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Your work is pretty decent! I recommend to keep on practicing, but if you really want to start commissions, you might be able to. I reckon charging R$ 150-300 would be a good start. I’m not that good with pricing, so don’t depend on me for advice.

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I’ve been trying to charge 25R$ per pfp and +10R$ per character

Oops, one more thing, on the first few GFX pieces, increase the lighting a bit more. They look a bit dull compared to the backgrounds.

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I don’t mean to come across mean, but this looks very amateur. Keep practicing and working on it. You will improve and be able to sell. It just takes time and this is a good start!

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Mhm. I think you should keep it at that price for a it longer, until you gain more experience.


Can you tell me how to make them look “not amateur” please it doesn’t really help if thats all you tell me. Tysm for being honest though :slight_smile:

Should I upload a “Portfolio” or “Commission sheet”?

I’m not an artist. I don’t really know how to quantify the sense I get when I see them. I wish I could be more help, but i hope all the best for you.

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You don’t think I should even sell them for 25 Robux?

Never hurts to try. There may be somebody out there who will pay you for them.

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That gives me hope, but kinda hurt at the same time LOL
also 1 more question, are we aloud to cuss here?

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No. Official Rules of the Roblox Developer Forum

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Aggression and profanity directed at other users are not allowed
does that mean I can cuss if I’m not cussing at another person?

Well, I think people are not hiring you because you just made the GFX characters and add a stroke for them. Maybe add a cool background as well than people will hire you.

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What do you mean a cool background? People use them for profile pictures so it primarily only shows their head. If I need to add a “cool background” then I will.

I believe you can’t because the DevForums tell you to be professional. Anyways, you won’t be able to find (or if you do, that’s really rare) a post with swear words.

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I would ask a Community Sage because they work closely with DevRelations and actually have a weekly meeting with them if I am correct. I’d say you can if it isn’t directed at anyone. Roblox themselves have cussed on posts actually.

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While this is indeed amateur work, I’m sure that with practice and dedication, you’ll end up getting better.

Your work looks great! There is one thing in particular that I would recommend. If I were you, I would use brighter colors, or maybe some small particles or effects. Just try to make the pictures pop a little more, you want people to say “Hey! That looks bright and cool, let me check this out!”.

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