[CLOSED] Programmer Needed

Scripting takes way longer than a couple of days. Most people want scripters who have atleast 1+ year of scripting experience. (I am not sure if this person wants 1+ in scripting experience.)


Hello, I am a scripter with around 2 years of experience. Here’s my portfolio, look forward to hearing back from you. | Advanced Scripter | | Commissions closed|

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I was able to check your profile. Thank you for applying. I do feel like I need someone who has more experience. I checked the many examples on your profile, unfortunately it does not fit with what I am looking for.


While I am definitely happy to hear that you’ll be learning to script which is an amazing skill to pick up, we are looking for someone with more than enough experience.


I agree. LUA does take a while specially because there is always a cleaner, and better way to script a specific thing.


Hey, I would like to apply for this job. I’m a very talented scripter with almost 2 years I f experience. Here is my portfolio: Scripting portfilio [2.5 years of experience]

Discord: Maxen2031#3534

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To be fair, if you’re very persistent with learning Lua, you can learn it in a few months. It takes quite a bit of scenarios and quite a bit of time, so I’d suggest making a lot of different game types for practice, and then you can come back to them once you learn a lot from each of them later on. Good luck on your scripting adventures! :smiley:


Thank you for applying @maxen2031 I contacted you on discord SharkFerrero is also my name on Discord.

I’m adding you at HendricoMaximus. My portfolio can be found here OPEN | Officiall_Studios Portfolio | UI Designer | Scripter | GFX - VFX | Video Editing - #4

Hey @Officiall_Studios thanks for contacting us. Unfortunately I do not see much of what I am looking for in there. Wish you the best!

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Sent you a friend request on discord madrid#4733

I am interested, Added you on discord Eric_Homemade#1243
I can make a very advanced gun system/Anti-Exploits/Leaderboards/UIs/Etc.

Sent a Discord friend request; Evo#2030

I fit for all your requirements, and added you on Discord. Here is my portfolio. Hope to hear from you soon.

Kind regards,

Also. to add on to @RayManzotti’s Post, learning takes a lot of time and you should start with an easier language. If you want to learn it right now, I suggest you watch Alvinblox. He is a Roblox Scripter and provides free tutorials.

I would like to see your portfolio. Can you link me?

Hey sent you are FR. SkyKurr#9748. All the assets and my portfolio will be provided there.

My website is down, Although I would be happy to show past work over discord.

Do you still need a scripter?

My discord: GoldenEye#4063

Sent a dm, my user is Ciara#6759