About Me
Hello reader,
I am [redacted] and I have been on this platform for 12 years.
I’ve been scripting for 10+ years, and currently work as a programmer in numerous of “back-end” projects in my city in real life. This means I have a deep understanding of how to host websites, how to manage databases, server to front-end communication and vice versa, configure and use frameworks like Django and Drupal. I specialize in API’s and on my spare time I make 3D and 2D engines for shader creation purposes. I also make Discord bots and use Roblox’s API for some personal projects.
My parents found me using the family computer at the age of 2, and since then, I always had a passion for technology and gaming. I played games like Flight Simulator 98, NHL 00, Lara Croft (PS1) and Midtown Madness.
If you must know, I have a degree in Information Communication Technology from a Business Institute.
These are my strongest programming languages, listing all of them would be too long:
3D Engine in Roblox
Mimics how OpenGL works but not exactly. I call this DrodeGL.
Renders my own UV Canvas consisting of 50 by 50 pixels (“ScreenGUI Frames”) and the math logic is built on that.
2D Shader Engine in Roblox
Yeah you can make cool stuff with it like this:
Door Placement System for Alvin_Blox
Had to make my own negate wall logic for it because Roblox’s negate system is horrible, so basically it cuts the wall into 3 different sections when you place it and then places the door in the center.
Uses my very own screen point to Raycast system, and the system is very very optimized, meaning the entire system works using 1 Raycast only.
When the wall is close to a corner, it will automatically find and calculate the available wall position on the other wall. Meaning it will snap to the other side of the wall at an edge.
Also, when you instantiate the system, it will place the door where you look at on the wall.
My API (Live) Computer to Roblox In-Game Image Uploader / Constructor
Disclaimer: Having this as a public game would be against the ToS since you’re bypassing Roblox’s Image Moderation.
Not much to say about this one. I made this back in 2018 but decided to re-write the code which is now like 50 lines all in all: Python and Lua combined.
It just scans an image on your computer and sends the data to my API from where you construct it pixel by pixel top left to bottom right with their respective RGB colors.
Took me like 20 minutes to make the project.
Un-breakable Cart System (Raycasting)
All carts, including the one Rdite made can fly off the map / glitch.
This one can go through other peoples carts and will never ever fall off.
So there’s a little purple part that always follows the red brick path and moves foward, I then have an invisible tweened part that follows the purple part and the cart follow the tween part. This way you don’t have to tween the cart parts individually which would be processing heavy and result in floating point errors.
Also yeah I made the cart and track myself and the rainbow colored cart is meant to be a gamepass.
Bezier Curve Camera Animation
Roblox Studio Freecam Multiplayer Project (For monitoring & in-game cutscene / video creation)
Button Reaction Game
You press “Start” and then you press the buttons as they flash. You press them on your keyboard F, G, H, J.
It also gets progressively faster.
Monitor where the International Space Station is located (updates position in real time) (API)
Gets the position of where the ISS is in real time and updates it every second accordingly.
ISS########iv########M####p####[####I############r - Roblox
DataStorage Stuff
I don’t have the data stored so I can’t show how they work but basically all the players in the server are stored in a drop down list, and you can simply write the player name and give them some points.
This was for a military game:
Here’s another Leaderboard that looks a little nicer:
Lighting Interval (fake lighting)
I don’t know why I made this but I thought it would be cool.
Okay I think that is all I want to show in a portfolio.
Notable people I’ve worked / working for:
Alvin_Blox (currently working for him),
milk74l8O (worked on his Pinewood FL game),
SCS (Helpful Robloxians group),
rcvr (He was the owner of Mócha Cafe, one of the most famous cafés in 2017-2018)
I also make a bit more technical scripting tutorials, like taking a look into how built in functions work. If you’re curious about the name change, I was also known as the user “Softed”.
We can negotiate that but I’m always on the computer but do take note that my timezone is GMT+2. If you’re offering a full time position (written contract), then I will quit my job and work for you.
We can negotiate the pay, but I’ve always worked for free since I do this for the fun and for the learning experience. You can pay me any way is suitable to you except crypto currency.
Send me a private message on my DevForum profile and I will add you on Discord.
Thank you!