(CLOSED\HIRED) Professional Builder

Well, what are looking to learn how to build?

Good graphics. Cafes, things related.

No problem! :smiley: Always like helping

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Well buddy! You got great work but donā€™t be rude about it! You just tell him his mistake nicely. Like this, You need to blend the water and sand better but you will improve, Good luck.:smiley: (Just a example because your work is great) Can I see the 2nd image as a game?

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Iā€™d say when youā€™re ready you need to lower your prices. But, I feel that you should get a little more experience for this. If you want feedback, put it in #help-and-feedback:cool-creations.

And, I donā€™t see how this is rude and why youā€™re calling otherā€™s responses ā€œrudeā€. Theyā€™re really just trying to help you and youā€™re being immature about it.

You also specifically asked for feedback after thatā€¦

Iā€™ve done 2 already and got a lot of feedback. I already posted another portflio.

I do agree with criticism because I know it helps people to improve, but you shouldnā€™t be telling him heā€™s intermediate. If he finds himself professional, he should be allowed to say it. Heā€™s clearly a talented builder.

People price their work on the effort and time, not how it looks. He clearly took a lot of time building this.

DevForum is to give people feedback, telling him he overprices and isnā€™t professional isnā€™t exactly feedback. At the same time, you should be thinking about what youā€™re saying.

In his defense, I have been charged more for builds less advanced than that. Heā€™s a good, dedicated builder, you should not be shamed for this. His prices are accurate, most people charge 10k for a small build.

Most of this was feedback, some of it wasnā€™t. @HealthyNinjaWarrior5, amazing builds. I would hire you but I only just saw this build and I hired someone else. Keep up the hard work, I think your prices are accurate. :+1:

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Thank you very much for understanding how it felt. I realyyyyyyyyy love your work and may hire you one day.

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@HealthyNinjaWarrior5 People are going to give feedback, I donā€™t know why you think they arenā€™t. Just remember theyā€™re trying to help you.

Feedback is a very good way for improvement agreed. I donā€™t think saying he cannot build and heā€™s not professional is the type of feedback heā€™s looking for.

Thatā€™s feedback but, saying I canā€™t build is really not feedbackā€¦

Decent low poly work. You have alot of potential. Keep it up!


You see a mod was contacted already. And Iā€™ve been hired 5 times for a large build. Soā€¦

I am talking about this reply.

I agree with @TheRealGamingZone. You are being immature whenever you get offended by the feedback.


This doesnā€™t look professional this is just normal builds

sry by accident replied to you Tyntx

Hey! Please, calm down all. As he said this is not place for feedback but it would be really appreciated. If you have something else to say, just say it! But in private, thereā€™s something called ā€œPMsā€ on the DevForum. Please donā€™t yā€™all being rude to the man and just say what you have to say on private.

Anyway, my ā€œfeedbackā€ is: "Lower your prices, to be honest it isnā€™t worth it, youā€™re not professional and really inmature when someone is giving you constructive critiscism. I been here on the platform and I have seen a lot of Developers better with lower prices, and even if they just started on the platform like 3 weeks or 1 month ago, theyā€™re much better and with lower prices.

Please, donā€™t overprice your work by your own, go to #platform-feedback and ask how much the people will pay for something like that. Take an example a commission I made for CherryLeChicken ( image listed below ) this just took me 1 day ( 2 because I was procastinating to be honest ), and it was just for 500R$. Not always youā€™ll be getting offer from big devs and even when your work doesnā€™t even worth +5KR$ to be honest with you. But you have to give the best of you, I didnā€™t said to my customer ā€œ500R$ for something like this ( the image )?! HAHA, no, get out of my wayā€


Now, you can see my portfolio and I donā€™t have a prices sheet or something like that, why? Because I stick to what the customer haves at the moment! Iā€™m not overpricing my work, I always ask what the customer wants and then: ā€œHow much?ā€. They get shocked, but they know my work and what I can do, they know how much they have and how much my work worth it, and with the simple fact that someone goes to me with a commission of Modeling or something, Iā€™m very happy. Why? Because someone just got interested on my work!"

Have a nice day and take all of this in mind before you answer with ā€œStop being rude against me, pleaseā€. - @Lil_SharkyBoy

Pings: @Mast3rlord, @Tyntx, @HealthyNinjaWarrior5, @RainbowStachio, @emiliqax, @TheRealGamingZone, @FallenNephalem ( mostly ), @OhhPatty, @MrFieldThrow, @ogeyar.


@Lil_SharkyBoy He asked for some.

I never said that you canā€™t actually give feedback, but keep the other stuff out of context on private. The constructive critiscism is the best thing on the DevForum, you can see how the other people do well and you can learn from there, get this critiscism and improve!

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