Clothing Mannequin [Buy + Try on]

Hello! This is another clothing mannequin :slight_smile:



  • Buy
  • Try on
  • Outfit Preview
  • On purchase animation (the animation plays locally, it means that only the player who purchased can see the animation) - optional
  • Discord notifier when a purchase is completed - optional (not working anymore since Discord is blocking HTTP requests coming from Roblox.)


Game (you can test it here):

  • Get the model.

  • Put MannequinServer somewhere in ServerScriptService and MannequinClient somewhere in StarterPlayerScripts.

  • Now, feel free to place the mannequins wherever you want, their parents don’t really matter (you can also duplicate them).

  • Great! It’s time to set the clothing id. You can find ShirtId and PantsId inside the Configuration folder, which is inside the mannequin model. Important: it must be the ASSET ID, not the template id!


  • Let’s start with the Purchase Animation (that plays on the mannequin whenever the player purchases the clothing), which you can find inside the Configuration folder. If you don’t want it, leave the AnimationId empty or delete the animation object.

  • Not working anymore :frowning: Next, the discord webhook! Open the script MannequinServer that was previously parented to ServerScriptService. Find a variable called WEBHOOK_URL and put your webhook url. Remember to enable HTTP requests! If you don’t want the discord notifier, leave this variable as an empty string or remove it from de code.

  • Great, we’re done! You can start using it.

Just some sort of customization

Feel free to change the hit box color! There’s a folder called “HitBoxes” inside each mannequin. Both parts, Shirt and Pants, are those that show up when you hover the clothing. So just change their color for what you prefer. (The hit box transparency when you hover it is 0.75)

For the mannequin character customization, you can delete/change its face, change the Body Colors etc.

I hope this helps. This is my first #resources:community-resources, so if there’s something wrong, reply to this topic! Please let me know if you have any suggestions or find any bugs! I would also like to say that my English is not so good, sorry for any mistake! Well, thank you so much for reading and have a fantastic week!


This looks very well designed and I like the many features it has!

Just a quick question, is there a radius or a time limit before the shirt you tried on is gone? For example, if I try on a green shirt and don’t buy it, will I be able to keep wearing it?


Thank you for your feedback!
And no, there’s no time limit, you will be able to keep wearing it :slight_smile:

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Can you change the asset_id with the asset_name or you can’t? and if you can how can i do that? and he’s what i want to say by this:


And btw you did a such a great job with this!


WOW, This looks really good!

I love how smooth the tweens are!

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I don’t think changing it to asset name is a good approach. Asset IDs are not changeable and are unique, while names can be changed and can be commonly used.


I see.Thanks for let me know.I like it a lot


Ficou ótimo! Parabéns meu amigo!

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This is really really cool. I don’t really purchase clothes but I do visit homesteads to view the builds themselves and I noticed a lot of the mannequins were awkward to use/interact with. This is really really clean and intuitive. The animation and the discord functionality are also just really awesome bonus touches. A really solid resource, thank you for sharing :slight_smile:

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i tested this out and it works perfectly. Thx man

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Is it possible to add a ViewPort of the mannequin with the clothing on it rotating 360?

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Added an outfit preview. Thanks, @XBrunks for the suggestion and this mannequin for the inspiration.


That’s really clean, love this.

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your welcome, is it possible if you can make it so that the person does an animation/dance? If so that will be amazing.


The player’s idle animation is already playing. I don’t know if it’s not so visible in the video, but my character is playing the cartoon idle animation :slight_smile:


ohh, I didn’t really see it in the video so that was why. I am trying to create a homestore and i want to make it different compared to other ones.


Also, is it okay with you for me to create more detailed UI? And if so how do I do it.


Sure! Fell free to change everything as you want.
Just make sure Buy, Close, and TryOn are TextButtons inside the frame.



okay that’s great to know! Will it also be possible for me to create a new frame? Also the ViewPort isn’t working

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What do you mean by adding a frame?
And what about the ViewPort isn’t working?

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