Please try to stay on-topic and do not repost what others have already said. Posts that are not about this bug and posts like “same, also happens to me” or “i hope this get fixed” or “it wont get fixed because ___” are spammy and not very useful. Just wait for an engineer to respond to this if you have nothing new to add.
This keeps happening to me, once I went onto my clothing group to find there was no clothing visible, I updated the name then changed it back for everything and it fixed it, but things keep slowly disappearing and I keep having to update the price, but with suits I have to do 2 so they’re next to each other as there are 2 pieces. This is really harmful for business and I hope Roblox prioritise fixing this, especially considering the flooded catalog with all the same clothing.
Okay, so I emailed roblox support yesterday and I got an email back saying that they are aware of this issue and that they are currently working on it to ensure it’s resolved.
There’s no need to email customer support after filing a bug report here. Engineers see all bug reports.
I’ve tried options people have suggested but there is little to no effect or change.
Hey everyone - we are actively looking into this. Some issues were resolved yesterday, but we are still seeing some weird behavior in some group stores.
Also, links to affected groups, items that are missing, screenshots of your store, etc are super helpful to us when debugging things like this (i scrolled through this thread and couldn’t find any links other than the one in the original post)
Hi, thank you so much for responding. I’m glad you guys are looking into this issue!
The issue occurred in my personal group too, and I haven’t touched any of the clothes in my personal group except for one T-shirt. Here’s a link to that: Coney’s Gaming Group - Roblox
This issue is very odd because some people are actually able to see the missing clothes, and others can’t.
Just realized today the same is happening in my group, it’s cut my visible clothing down to about 10. Shame really, can’t even make them appear by placing it on and off sale.
This literally happens to me at least once a month and I end up updating every single article of clothing for the first page or 2 so everything appears clean… starting to get fed up with it
Also something else that should be noted, searching by creator name in the catalog for my group still has all the clothes mismatch and some still don’t even appear, even when I type keywords.
Group: im wasting my life - Roblox
I am experiencing the same issue. When I visit my group’s store page none of the pants and shirts we have for sale appear.
I asked my friend to check if he saw the same thing but he sees random clothing (clothes that were NOT uploaded to my group) under my group’s store page.
Here is the link to a shirt owned by the group that is for sale but doesn’t show up in the store page.
Jeez man, your group has way more going wrong than most others here, didn’t realize clothing from other groups could appear on a groups store (excluding clothing thieves and bots lol). I’ve defiantly seen shirts or pants missing their matching set, even with groups that don’t seem to be affected by this at first glance. Best of luck to ya, let’s hope this gets patched soon.
Oh yes, I’ve had that issue. Refreshing your chrome tab just fixes it for me.
Only one piece of clothing out of several display for our group from what I’m seeing, unsure as to why though.

Thanks for your patience and reports! This should be fixed now
I dont know what happened, but the problem is still consisting for me, and now we are having clothing from other groups show up under shop
Here’s a video of it happening: Untitled - YouTube
please provide links
Link to my group: The Top Hat Bros! - Roblox
Link to video of it happening:
I have a hanking this may be a separate bug that branched out from what was happening before. It only happens every now and then, and as you can see in the video I had to fiddle with the group page a ton in order to recreate the bug.
You have some extension enabled that’s changing the layout of the page entirely, i have a sneaking suspicion it’s an issue with that. Try disabling it and let me know if you still have problems?