Cmdr: A fully extensible and type safe command console for Roblox Developers

No, you need to download the .rbxm file and import it into studio.


I been trying to do that on my Microsoft Surface 10 and I’ve been getting errors.


What errors are you receiving?



Sorry if this is simple. I am a noob when it comes to files.


Import it in Roblox Studio, do not open the file.

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Which file do I open, because it’s a folder will a bunch of files inside.

Did you download the .rbxm file or the zip file?

I’m setting it up the manual way, so I installed .rbxm

This is where I downloaded the file.

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Okay, so open Roblox Studio. Then, open the place and right-click in the Explorer window to import the file.


There is no option to Import the file.


Just drag it in

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I dragged and dropped it into my studio tab I have open, and nothing happened. Just making sure, I drag the link right?

Sorry if this should be really simple to install. I am a noob when it comes to files and importing things. Sorry.

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Locate the file in File Explorer/Finder (or put it on your Desktop) and drag it into the Roblox Studio window.

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Thank you so much. I’ve been trying to figure out how to install it for so long. Thanks again!


Hey, I got CMDR installed, but how do I add myself as an owner/admin? I’ve been wondering this for a while, I need to get myself onto the admin list, or owner list, but I’m unsure how to do so. If someone could respond with a fix, that’d be great!

Hooks | Cmdr – Look at BeforeRun Hooks.


Wow! Excellent job for making that admin system. Now I don’t have to use Adonis anymore. :smiley:
I rate it, 10/10.

I don’t know if I’m doing something wrong, I followed all the steps in your video and the doc website but still haven’t managed to get it working.

I inserted the two scripts - one in ServerScriptService and one in StarterCharacterScripts. I also used the exact same code that you used.

I also followed the install steps and imported the .rbxm file into the same directory - but when I press the activation key nothing happens. I may be overlooking something and being really stupid but I can’t get this to work, can anyone help me?

Sorry, I was being stupid - I managed to get it working now. Sorry!

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