Collection of Useful Community Services for Roblox Developers

Alright, Ill try to do that tomorrow.

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I just added class++ it’s amazing!


Hey, thanks for adding Codify to the list!

If possible, I’d like to suggest either Reclass (or Switcher—free alternative) to be added. They’re insanely useful and I use them daily to switch between classes (e.g. converting a Part to a WedgePart, TextButton to TextLabel, etc.)


Nice suggestion! I’ll definitely add that. I’ll add switcher as it’s free.

No problem!


Hi! Big thanks for adding Switcher here!

And its very nice to hear that @cxmeels suggested it. Thanks :]
I’m really happy to hear that my plugin can help people be more productive.

Also, I would suggest adding DataDelve, a free and blood stunning DataStore editing plugin (it’s probably the best plugin in Roblox for this kind of work). I’m personally extremely grateful that this plugin exists, because it is much, I mean MUCH more detailed and functional than any other DataStore plugin.

And thanks for making this useful post, I found some helpful plugins that I really needed!!!


Wow… Great creators suggesting other great creators. I’ll definitely add that too! Tomorrow, as I’m on my phone right now. :slight_smile:


Someone said that we are useful. :smiling_face_with_tear: :purple_heart:


Thanks for adding Class++, makes me feel great that someone likes my work enough to put it on a list like this.


I’m deciding to create a module myself that adds features to lua and luau, for that I need suggestions here.

Reflex is a resource that I feel should have more traction! Really enjoy the Server-Client sync feature

Does it have a devforum link? Please provide if possible

Pretty sure it doesn’t, which probably reflects why it is less known. However it still stands as a solid resource

Hey! If possible, it would be cool to see DocumentService on the list as well!

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Its just profileservice, why should i add it?

ProfileService does still work, but it no longer lives up to what it once did imo (especially seeing how it’s been, what, 3 years since the last update?), and there’s better alternatives that have started to release recently, DocumentService being one of them (and my personal choice when making games now).
DocumentService is basically just a more up-to-date version of ProfileService with more features

Quoting this directly from the DocumentService forum post:

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Alright ill add that, but should i remove profile service?

anyone got anymore suggestions?

I would add RbxUtils RbxUtil | RbxUtil

I think you should remove ProfileService, yeah

Should i categorize these services? Cuz im planning to add more