What does this feature that other Datastore plugins don’t feature?
Reminds me of that paid datastore plugin but looks cool. gj
oh my god thank you so much you are the data savior of my life ,because other data store editors are paid, again thank you
It has support for versions and metadata. There are also convenience features like automatic UserId replacement and theming.
The best plugin I have ever come across, well done.
Thank you SO MUCH for this! I noticed one of the themes are similar to Visual Studio.
Do you have any link for donation (in Robux)? My goal is to donate to multiple creators that create amazing tools that I love and would like to support.
Your tool is amazing and I couldn’t take advantage of that for free!
I know it’s not the point, but I love the logo!
This is definitely one of the best plugin I’ve ever encountered! This will make learning data store much easier and I can track what’s going on my data.
You can donate here!
As expected! I kept my word. Thank you so much for making the plugin free, you deserve the donation! I hope the development of the plugin was worth it!
Keep the great work up!
wow thank you so much!!!

September Update
New update has been released with lots of additions and changes. It is a lot to cover, so here is me speedrunning some of the things that were added:
Main Additions
- Edit menu which lets you edit multi-line strings (can also be used when inserting).
- Right click and press edit to access it.
- Move/duplicate key.
- JSON import/export.
- Use script editor theme.
- Pin items in history.
- Drag and drop to reorder array elements.
- Use Automatic User Id replacement in DataStore name/scope.
- Data usage viewer.
- Tab to switch between TextBoxes.
These are the changes I thought would be helpful to know, but there are many more which you can see here (press the link and scroll up): DataDelve Canary - #34 by pinehappi.
Overall, your experience using this plugin should be much smoother and pleasant now. Thanks to everyone who provided feedback and support!

I haven’t really used DataDelve, only opening it a couple times, but I think it’s a well-made plugin that deserves donations.
Thank you!! I’m glad you liked the plugin!
Downloaded it, tested it, reviewed your GitHub post. I’m absolutely amazed by your work!
Left you a donation, keep up the good work!
(You should make a paid version on the asset store for people who want to support you!)
Damn dude, this actually looks fire and really useful! I would love to see how the compiler is done.
Great plugin! I tinkered with it a bit and have some UX feedback:
- Exporting & importing to/from JSON has a clunky workflow. Every time I go to export, the “usage notice” popup comes up instead of immediately prompting me to save the file. Importing from JSON requires me to manually rename the previously exported file, which becomes pretty frustrating if done often. A better approach here would be to export the data as a
file with the JSON stored in a comment. The plugin can then allow the lua file to be directly re-imported later, no renaming required. Sleitnick’s plugin does this by storing the information in comments:
-- Version: 1
-- GameId: 2799591695
-- PlaceId: 7200003285
-- Key: "313"
-- DataStore Name: "Production_PlayerData1_Data"
-- DataStore Scope: "73223877"
-- Data: {"SomeKey":"SomeValue"}
- Some fields are visually aligned on the X axis, while others are not. This produces some visual clutter that can make the data difficult to quickly parse:
Thank you all for the feedback and support! It really made my day.
I like that idea, but at the moment I can’t because my account is not verified.
Thanks for the detailed feedback. It was very helpful and I will try to incorporate it into future releases (although the x-aligned fields will be a little difficult since all elements are rendered in isolation for virtual scrolling).