Elttob Reclass — flow between instance types

Next generation: Celebrating the launch of the Creator Store with four incredible product releases.

About Elttob Reclass

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woo! :tada: :tada: :tada: :tada: reclass has previously been in my top list of essential plugins, up there with Rojo. the 3d view feature is such a smart idea! going to save so much time


This is incredible! Probably one of the most polished plugins on the platform. Finally, no more corruption when converting instances. Not to mention the design system, which looks phenomenal.

Also, the naming for the new features is on point. Felt a bit like watching an Apple Keynote :wink:


Very kind words, thank you! I spent almost too much time workshopping the names, so I’m really happy they hit the mark :slight_smile:


I’m guessing existing users will have to buy Reclass again?

It’s a shame since I guess I’m going to be stuck on the old version that I got when it was free. I know I could go through Access Anywhere, but I don’t really want to take someone’s slot when I have the old version which works well enough anyways :sob:

I like the changes you’ve made though :grin:


I know you probably included it in the video why the new plugin is better but i don’t have time to watch right now, can you please include a text summary in your OP? thank you :pray:

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The release notes are available in text form via the About link :slight_smile:

Thanks for the kind words! And yeah, part of the consequence of how things played out is that the new Elttob Reclass and old Reclass classic are pretty much just two different products completely. They don’t have any compatible data formats or any code in common, so I didn’t want to overwrite one with the other especially when there’s tens of thousands of installs already live. It’d be vastly irresponsible should something go wrong.

I lose out here too, btw. I lose all the favourites and likes and front page position when the old Reclass goes away.

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another cook by a certified Roblox genius, thank you

Small gripe, the ui that shows when clicking an object doesnt seem to have a way to show the name of the instances, can that be added on hover somehow?

In this case as im using Vanilla, three instances have similar icons, so i don’t know which is which

Outside of that can’t wait to see what comes next :tada:


That’s a good shout - thanks for the feedback.


Why not update the original plugin? What use case would people have for the classic version, which is still pretty buggy. This basically just makes people who bought the original plugin have to buy it again.

Edit: Read the reply above but, even if it’s different code, is it not just an update to the other reclass which already had bugs? If something went wrong they’re technically still buying the new reclass where something could technically go wrong, and be fixed.


Thats crazy! Truly innovative. Feels so professional.

Elttob you outdo yourselves with every plugin. Everything is so polished, the design is :fire:, you’ve thought of something that never occurred to me.

When you said that you are going to realize Reclass 2 (sort of), I thought it would be there, because there’s not much you can do here, only convert. How wrong I was. Although, I guessed with the 3D viewport, keeping the old properties and the plugin menu with shortcuts, haha.

I like how the search engine works and Instant Typing! Crazy how polished this plugin is… My plugin feels ancient now just like Reclass classic. Now I want to switch from my own plugin to this one lol.

Can’t wait for the next one - Ellttob Atmos. (Or Reatmos XD)

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Is Access Anywhere going to be available for this?

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Pretty sure it will be as it says on the Studio Elttob website, just not for August.

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This isn’t an update - it’s a completely different plugin in every single way. There’s zero continuity between the two outside of the name.

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Yes! I’ve been working on bolstering the system in recent times so it no longer runs off my personal computer and personal email, but once that’s all done, it’ll be included. I’m currently expecting this to be good by end of September at the latest.

That’s very kind, thank you! I do hope to share even more cool stuff soon. :slight_smile:

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I want to inform you that there’s a small error in your post: the button “About Elttob Reclass” refers to Reclass classic on the Roblox Devforum :]

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Thanks for letting me know! I’ve updated the links on my end; should be good in a couple of minutes.

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Honestly, I might be in the wrong when I say this, but I know other people and some of my developer friends that feel the same and aren’t gonna say it themselves, and you probably got this critique before with other plugins when the plugins for usd came out, which I clarify I’m not trying to be rude or disrespectful when I say this, but I feel like the reason for not uploading the old plugin was to make people who bought the old reclass pay (almost double) for features in the new reclass.

Even if they are vastly different plugins with different codebases, they provide the same function with the new reclass having more/better features. If the new reclass is objectively better than the old one whilst providing new features, isn’t this essentially a rework? (meaning the old plugin could still get updated)

It feels to me like this was done in order to make people who bought the old reclass pay again for the new features AND bug fixes, which is honestly a little annoying since you’re technically paying double the price.

I also know this is another one of the problems that Access Anywhere was aimed to prevent (slightly), and I commend you for that, but I dunno, I just kinda feel like the old plugin could be updated. (No this is not all because I don’t wanna pay for the plugin, it’s just how I feel)

Also adding everything this man said to this, an update would be nice.

It would be helpful if you could clarify on some of my points.