Pretty straightforward. This would construct a Color3 from hue, saturation, and value.
fromHex would also be useful
local function colorFromHex(hex)
local r = math.floor(hex / 65536) % 256
local g = math.floor(hex / 256) % 256
local b = math.floor(hex % 256)
return Color3.fromRGB(r, g, b)
I know about that method, used it many times. It would just be nice to have it as an official function
Do you have a good use case for HSV by the way? I am curious why you would want this type of feature.
I want Color3.hsv and I want it to work in both directions. Input hsv to get Color3, input Color3 to get hsv.
Certain color manipulations can only be done by converting to hsv, like hue shifting. It also simplifies saturation.
Already added to the voting board!
We’re suggesting a lua function, not just a studio gui.
Added the API part to the same card
I use hsv almost exclusively in paint programs nowadays. It’s incredibly useful and quick once you get aquainted with it. I prefer hsv over rgb any day.
While you’re at it, consider this?
Isn’t HSV selection already a thing?
Can’t use that in scripts doe.
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