Colorless - Explanation & Details


This game is in development by Imaginative Reality, or Team IR for short.

Team Members

Powered by Xeptix Framework

Game Type: Single player
Current Version: Alpha v0.0.7
Many things in this game is incomplete, please be aware of this while playing.

Have any suggestions? Message me on ROBLOX or reply to this thread! :slight_smile:

Be sure to favorite and give a thumbs up to show your support! Greatly appreciated. :smiley:

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[size=5]What is Colorless?[/size]

Colorless is very complicated and is challenging to understand when played by young ROBLOX players. It features a story line like no other. However, the player must unveil crazy hints/secrets to uncover details about the character’s life and his back story.

There will be several stages that the player must go through. For each stage that they complete, it will restore color to the world around the player. However, every great story has an antagonist. This antagonist will persuade the player into doing incorrect things throughout the game and direct them into their death.

[size=5]The Story[/size]
Please be aware, by reading this it could ruin some of the experience while playing this game.

The protagonist of this game is a young middle aged boy, named Tyler. Who is very passive and shy. Tyler is bullied throughout his whole life, his family ignores him and he has no friends whatsoever. He was in deep depression. Somehow he ended up in a dangerous coma… As he awoke, things weren’t as they seemed. His room was depleted of color, everything was very dull and depressing. This antagonist is Tyler’s “evil” subconscious mind. And wants to take the place of Tyler.

The player takes the position of Tyler and must figure out a way by finding any clues they can to escape this mysterious and desolate world, if they fail… the antagonist will replace Tyler.

Click [size=5][size=2]HERE[/size][/size] for Colorless’s Trello board!
Stay updated with what’s going on in these early stages of development.

Due to interaction not working, I couldn’t test the game at all, I’m locked inside that room. But from what I can tell, It seems like a cool concept. Pretty cool aesthetics aswell.

Currently, interactions are not enabled. I just finished creating the interaction template so I will put them in soon for those who would like to test it!

Right now this is not the official product, it is demonstrating what will be in the game. :stuck_out_tongue:

The music is really good.

EDIT: I sent suggestions PM.

Would asking for screenshots essentially be asking for spoilers? :stuck_out_tongue:

I might not judge this as an alpha v0.0.5, so please bear in mind if I expect more than I should.

From the look of the game, the concept is very unique and interesting. I like stories, so you’ve got me caught. Now, from the post here, I don’t know exactly what Xeptix Framework does for your game, and why it would take so long to load. That’s a side note. Of the things I experienced, the usage of outlines would be better off choosing on a common basis whether your whole game will be with or without outlines. I recommend without.
Your GUI work seems nice visually. Responsively, that’s another issue, as I experienced chopping frames for GuiObjects sliding on the screen, and little to no control (that is, chatting with AIs, trying to click colored squares and whatnot) - the closing x needs to be responsive, just like any other button, on hover.

You can grab the normal blocky character’s meshes from your content folder, and by doing so, you enchant the experience, while not running into problems with healthbars, which it seems like you don’t want in your scenery. Animating the standing AI would be neat too. That’s suggestions, yay.

A fine experience, but my biggest "ouch"s focuses on the UI part. Keep us up to date with the project :wink:

The visitor board & black NPC filling the corridor with black paint… dunno what you’re using the board for. Noticed no FE with the board, you should use FE c: And hard to see the NPC :stuck_out_tongue:

Not at all. :stuck_out_tongue:

[quote] x[/b] needs to be responsive, just like any other button, on hover.

You can grab the normal blocky character’s meshes from your content folder, and by doing so, you enchant the experience, while not running into problems with healthbars, which it seems like you don’t want in your scenery. Animating the standing AI would be neat too. That’s suggestions, yay.

A fine experience, but my biggest "ouch"s focuses on the UI part. Keep us up to date with the project :wink:

The visitor board & black NPC filling the corridor with black paint… dunno what you’re using the board for. Noticed no FE with the board, you should use FE c: And hard to see the NPC :stuck_out_tongue:

Thanks for this lovely feedback!
I’ll add these fixes to the “To do” list. :slight_smile:

The visitors board is for noting who joined it will only be in the testing phase.
The corridor will change and the “Black NPC” will not be there.

I got this far :frowning:

[quote] I got this far :frowning:


I decided to open it up and added more spawns so users can test freely and not feel confined.

Interesting. It reminds me of the game I was working on a couple of months ago:

I never got around to finishing it, but I added more than what is uploaded there. I just haven’t updated it recently from studio. Has plenty of bugs, so if you test it and don’t make into the game (moving around and all that jazz), you may need to leave and rejoin.

My game was mostly going to be based on a story full of puzzles, mystery, etc. Since school consumed my life, it dropped from list of projects that I felt motivated to work on. I like the idea of your game though. Some things could be sharpened though like GUI placement. It seems kind of bulky to have a hint appear with a box at the mid-top.

Development has started up again!

Stage 1 is almost finished

To do:
-Create a first person cut-scene of Tyler waking up out of bed, then looking around then zooms out into third person.

[sub]Why third person?[/sub]

In most of my dreams that I have, I’m in a third person point of view, Tyler is in a coma and I’m doing my best to personalize his personality as my own. [size=1]so yeah[/size]

-Finish never ending hallway
Once the player reaches the never ending hallway, they will be prompted a message from the dark being, “Follow me…”
After a few seconds, FogEnd will be set to 10. Making a fading effect, they will then be teleported to stage two.

-Think of a game play concept or “How to win the game” concept
What should they collect to win, or is it just various trials given to the player from the dark being.
[size=2]Brain storming here[/size]

Anyway, that’s that! Check it out! :smiley:

what’s wrong with the grass?

[quote] Development has started up again!

Stage 1 is almost finished

To do:
-Create a first person cut-scene of Tyler waking up out of bed, then looking around then zooms out into third person.

[sub]Why third person?[/sub]

In most of my dreams that I have, I’m in a third person point of view, Tyler is in a coma and I’m doing my best to personalize his personality as my own. [size=1]so yeah[/size]

-Finish never ending hallway
Once the player reaches the never ending hallway, they will be prompted a message from the dark being, “Follow me…”
After a few seconds, FogEnd will be set to 10. Making a fading effect, they will then be teleported to stage two.

-Think of a game play concept or “How to win the game” concept
What should they collect to win, or is it just various trials given to the player from the dark being.
[size=2]Brain storming here[/size]

Anyway, that’s that! Check it out! :smiley: [/quote]

I think collection, for each object they collect a new color appears in their palette. Each color can represent a memory, red typically means anger, so a bad, hateful memory. Blue typically represents depression or sadness, so a loved one dies. And so on. Just don’t make the game so straight forward, try to add adversity.

Edit: For each color that appears in their palette that color appears in their surrounding world, so once they collect red they can only see red. If you get blue, you can see red, blue, and purple (since you can combine red and blue to get purple). If you get green whatever green mixed with blue, you can see that color, and so on.

Edit 2: There is SOOOOOOO much frame lag on Stage one, I have no idea why. For comparison I play Apoc on highest graphics with 60 FPS, on stage one I played on lowest graphics with max 18 FPS.

The lag on stage one is immense. You should check that.

Yeah lag on stage one, also remove forcefield on spawn haha.

Thanks CeaselessSoul for that idea! I Love it.

-Set forcefield duration to 0.

Figured out the source of lag, it’s the hallway…
I need it to keep the infinite effect though. They will walk down the hallway, once they hit the final event brick, it will gradually get foggy and teleport them to stage 2.

I walked to the end of the hallway but nothing happened?

I don’t have that event setup yet, and stage 2 does not exist at this moment. :stuck_out_tongue:

Working on getting rid of the framerate lag with all those parts.

I have no idea why but I’m lagging a lot in this game.
I do like the GUIs and visuals quite a bit though