Combat Simulator, would you play?

Hello, you’ll see my game idea below, please provide any feedback, criticism, or appraisal you might hold below with comments,


  • Simulator
  • Fighting
  • RPG/Adventure

Gameplay Aspect

  • An enjoyable experience focused mainly on dueling and developing your character either through quests, grinding, or fighting other players.
  • BROADLY similar in concept to equally enjoyable games focused on combat, ie; Saber Simulator, Anime Fighting Simulator, Magic Simulator, etc.
  • No repeat grinding, rekindles will focus on boosting player stats and strength, it will NOT remove portals bought.


  • Dueling arenas, players compete in a large square and gain experience throughout battles
  • Hostile NPCS, a helpful feature for empty servers players are randomly generated into
  • As per usual, shop for getting newer swords that offer more coin for the next sword that confirms higher damage
  • Spells, such as fireballs that will offer a interesting alternative play option focused on skill
  • Parkour inspired map with secret hiding spots and easter-eggs that rewards players
  • Strength, speed
  • Realistic and limited game passes, a chance for players to focus on the game without a extreme pay-to-win requirement
  • Portals accessing realms with unique mobs and shops
  • A easy to make game, simple and fun that can’t take more than a few weeks with good progress

The first few minutes of progress on our game, this was our first source to come up with a game plan.

We’ve gotten several results, I wasn’t going for originality once starting, I’m sad to say that I’m glad we haven’t spent a great amount of time on our game because we need to focus deeply on what our goal is, we’ve luckily managed to get our buildings and scripts to work that allow basic function and will be used for almost all games, we’ll get back to you extremely soon.

Our game is nearly through release and should be wrapping up in a very close time with the progress we’re able to have if the idea is positive, feel free to ask any questions!


What do you think?

  • It’s perfect, I think you got the concept right and I wouldn’t change anything.
  • It’s great, I like the idea, sounds like a solid and enjoyable plan.
  • It’s fine, not to shabby but could use some of improvements (list why).
  • It could be better, I think it’s either overused or needs improvements overall(list why).
  • It’s a bad idea, I don’t this would work and I personally think it’s an awful ( please list ) for you to go with.
  • Other, I’ll list it below.

0 voters

Personally, I believe it to be a fine idea but I can admit it needs some more ideas and features to improve it, I would appreciate any ideas or feedback!

This idea is not new or unique in any sort of way.
Ignoring the annoying ‘simulator’ trend, this idea has been done in literally dozens of games.

Being able to compare your game to other successful and still popular games in the same genre and the same platform is generally a red flag right off the bat; what would make people in that community play your game over those? Also, why did you not mention games that are much closer competitors like Swordburst or the other SAO clones?

The ‘rekindle’ option is just a ripoff of rebirths in other games, and, unless it is handled very well and is not excessive, is a very cheap way of forcing the player to replay the same content.

Everything in the features section is nothing appealing; most if not every game in this genre has in some form: PVP, hostile NPCs, and usually spells.

If this is all that your game has to offer, you will have to add something else if you want it to be recognized by the community you are trying for. Simply adding mechanics that are already seen as standard is not it. You have to add something unique that hasn’t been done well before or at all.


I think if you want to make a simulator game, you should do an original one.
There are already plenty of games like this.

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Our effort was mostly on the script, ie; rolling, double jump, and combat. The building is being developed as well, we’ve had a total progress of around a week and things are going according to plan, I’ll post progress below which is mainly applicable for any game featuring combat.

I wanted to compare to other games to give a broad spectrum of what to expect, a combat filled game without the hassle of exploring thousands of kilometers for a quest, I don’t exactly imagine it as a SwordBurst.

I’d like to add a system of progression throughout the game, the rekindle idea was a thought up plan that would cost something and overall make the player stronger in some sort of aspect once completed, in this case extra coins, health, attack.

Our main concern was our idea which we were highly concerned for what would seem appealing, we came up with some ideas and plans, I forgot to mention some of our key ideas included adding a ring system that gave player bonuses along.

Originality is what brought me and my team in here in here for the first place, I’d like to come up with a interesting idea, however don’t want to exhaust my entire team meanwhile coming up with a out-of-the-world idea that practically no one would understand, we just agreed on some topics to add soon that’s interesting and would grab our own attentions in a particular matter.

The entire game is meant to be pure fun and a chance to see what we can do before truly publishing a full-time game, feedback like this is wanted and I highly appreciate you taking the time to make this, I agree some aspects such as pets, rebirth such as in Ninja Legends whereas the player is forced to repeat parkour repeatedly, and frankly I can’t disagree with some aspects, thank you.

Right, originality is a simple goal to accomplish, yet hard to implement. These are brainstorms from enjoyable experiences we’ve had in the past in our childhoods or currently and would still play in a game today, if it wouldn’t take up your time I’d appreciate a list of what you’d add, remove, and change.

Originality of your game idea doesn’t matter as long as it’s fun (and not a ripoff of someone else’s IP). Execution is what matters, completed games can be fun, but ideas can’t be played.


Thank you for your response, I completely agree and see that you can see our point of view despite being unfortunately brief. One of the hardest issues we’ve run into was never programming or building but indeed coming up with a final thing we can play ourselves and find enjoyable enough, I believe if the game idea is approved and thought of positively it would seem this game could be finished fairly soon at the beginning of January.

For the time being, me and my colleagues wait to see what the formal idea is and what else could be considered a decent response we can work with to change.

The response by @Kironte might seem harsh but is justified, I put only basic ideas and concepts and didn’t explain the entire concept of the project as proposed between me and my close colleagues, there is much more and it’s a personal mistake that I rushed to make this post, I’ll surely be adding more once I can get the time to do so.

How will the monetization of the game work?
Will there be gamepasses and products which unlock you special items which can only be paid for?
Or will every item be possible to unlock at a later stage?

Games like these can turn into Pay2Win easily and give people an unfair advantage over other players.

Could’ve just said rebirth without an unnecessary description. Rebirthing is a mainstream trend a large proportion of developers/gamers are familiar with.

Presently I’m misinterpreting this as a modern remake of dungeon quest. While dungeon quest isn’t original, loyal fans of that franchise will be hesitant to give your project a chance.

It’s going to instead encourage players to grind obsessively, either manually or relying on 3rd party software such as autoclickers depending on how vulnerable the project’s backend programming is.

What’ll make it unique, could you give an example as to how it’ll be different?

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The issues with simulators are that most have terrible player retention. Like others have mentioned, your ideas aren’t original and have been done many times before.

If you call your game a simulator most will already picture a game where you run around doing the same thing for hours just for a few coins. That is how a simulator is on Roblox is seen now. It doesn’t matter that yours is different, people will automatically categorise your game subconsciously as yet another spin-off of another concept.

Your “Rekindle” system is just a spin-off of a rebirth. Almost all the features you have listed are just a recreation of something done many times in the past.

But as for the question in the title, I would not play this game - and I don’t imagine many others on the devforum will either. Simulators is a genre mostly enjoyed by children < 13 and almost everyone I have spoken to agree it is an overused concept and do not enjoy it at all.

Imo, most simulators are a complete money-grab for children. They abuse the fact that children will beg their parents for money to buy something in-game. Most simulators are designed to make you spend hours collecting coins, doing the same repetitive task, just for an in-game virtual prize. The prizes are made to attract kids, intentionally or not. That is why they play for so long and that is why they are willing to beg their parents for money to win a prize.

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There’s a difference between good player retention and abusing the psychology of a child. It has a name (that I can’t remember), but let’s take stores for example. At the checkout when your parents would buy everything they picked up (this is when you were a child), how many times did you notice that sweets, etc, are put at your head level?

It’s not illegal, but it is very unethical. The goal is to make the child ask their parents to buy them the chocolate bar. Parents will often say yes and get them it as a gift.

This example can be applied to simulator games. Whether it is intentional or not, these games make the child as fed up as possible collecting coins so they can win the prize (or the chocolate bar on the self in my example) that they ask their parents for the money or spend their already existing Robux.

I’m not saying you can’t enjoy simulator games > 13. I’m saying the general demographic for them are children < 13. I was also saying that the dev forum isn’t the place to ask who would play your simulator game because most people I have spoken to who are on the forum say they absolutely hate simulators, which brings me back to my first point in my first reply.

Most people will automatically not bother playing because it’s called a simulator.


I believe manipulative is a better substitute for @grilme99’s summary of simulators.

He’s referring to the targeted audience, which is an accurate assumption considering children have low standards whereas once you start to transition throughout adolescence is when you’ll slowly develop higher standards.

Everyone on this platform had at one point in their life played a game designed for children. Whether it be on site titles such as generic tycoons/simulators or offsite titles like club penguin. That however doesn’t justify the cycle being continued throughout our generation, I live by this philosophy “Just because you can do it, doesn’t mean you should do it”. IMO, if you’re not improving on what your competition failed to do than you shouldn’t bother investing x amount of time or money into the project. There’s far too many generic copies in this industry overall that we’ll likely experience another gaming crash if changes don’t occur within the next upcoming decade.

It’s intentional, I’ve spoken with many project leaders behind simulators in the past that showed 0 Initiative of changing their business model.

Some had even encouraged me to “take advantage of the opportunity while it lasts” hinting at they’ll continue with mass production of generic game designs until it’s no longer profitable.

There’s quite a few reasons as to why these developers won’t admit their true intentions however the main reason is Bias isn’t good for business
If you’re collaborating or affiliated with someone that has a terrible reputation among the community you’ll eventually face a form of backlash. Whether it be your own loyal fan base questioning their loyalty or outsiders obtaining enough traffic to gain the attention of known influencers of cancel culture.

Undeniably the term “simulator” has become an oversaturated marketing tactic to where you’ll receive mixed amount of praise and opposition…anyone who relies on this power move for exposure should proceed with caution as it can easily backfire on you if done at the wrong time.


Parts of your reply I can’t understand, but I don’t really agree with any of your points.

I don’t get what you mean by this.

I’m not sure you understand the term ethical:
“relating to beliefs about what is morally right and wrong”

These developers are creating unethical games.

The methods these games take to making their Robux is the unethical bit. Imo, your views are really wrong. For example:

That’s like saying murder isn’t murder because it worked. These games manipulate children into buying coins by making it as hard as possible to do earn them normally.

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I knew there was a reason I had to reiterate ; you aren’t understanding what I mean

That implied that developers do in fact do this, but the purpose they do it for is
simply for generating more revenue , thus not being even close to illegal.
But if it’s not illegal nobody’s going to stop you.

Why would people create games? to generate income
If you design a game that forces people to play then it’s not your fault they get addicted I guess.

You’re correct it isn’t an obligation, it just isn’t justifiable. If you don’t care about morals than of course you’ll extort children, as the old idiom goes “It’s as easy as taking candy from a baby”.

Being a terrible person isn’t illegal, it still however implies you’re a terrible person. If you don’t like to be categorized as a “terrible person” than don’t engage in horrific acts.

I thought the context implied I was referring to the negative aspect of bias.

Nobody willingly volunteers to be dealt consequences, a scandal occurs after their true colors are revealed. It’s called being an imbecile, and no being financially successful doesn’t imply you’re intelligent.

There’s MANY financially successful morons on this planet… look at trump for example.
There has been many developer related scandals on this platform, if you’re interested in this particular topic than do the research yourself.

IF you create a system designed to extort a consumer’s vulnerabilities as in YOU code the system from the ground up than yes it’s your responsibility.

YOU chose to generate revenue from that system, Roblox didn’t tell you nor demand you to engage in unethical marketing tactic(s).


Yes, that is exactly the point, it’s meant to be the same yet the name fits a better description.

The fact I made a simulator is to make a first game that’s easy to work with and enjoyable in the, it might seem to you that every simulator is a copy of another and a ripoff, but this response gradually targeted at simulators I can admit can get bad. I haven’t done anything worse than any other simulator, in fact I’ve tried to make the pay-to-win aspect as minimal as possible, simulators struggle with this issue and I believe that with some changes it can be resolved.

The issue is that this market is completely over saturated. Most people will assume it’s just a simulator that’s reinvented the wheel.

IMO, you shouldn’t call it a simulator. It’s going to give people an instant bias against your game.

I realize, the reason any simulator exists is to generate a lot of income and personally I think that’s mainly due to the DevEx program , that caused people to start making games with the sole purpose of extorting people for revenue.But simply recognizing any of their problems won’t fix it .

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I’m glad that you’ve realized that they are extorting people. Recognizing and speaking out about what they are doing is how the issue will get solved imo.

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