Moved portfolio

I moved my portfolio.


I added few UI’s to portfolio!!

Commissions are open for all jobs!

Hi Kuzey. I have some questions about your work.

  1. Are you able to design the guis to fit on mobile devices and pc screens?
  2. How many years of experience you have doing scripting?
  3. Are you a good builder?


  1. Yes
  2. 2 Years
  3. No I suck

I suck at building too. I mostly spent time making all the scripts for a game that I’m making and just started building and making the stuff for the game couple weeks ago. I’ll be needing someone later to help make the the guis when I have some stuff made. I sent you a friend request on roblox if you are willing to wait till I have the stuff made that needs guis.

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I added my first showcase for scripting!!!

Those UIs look pretty good for just testing your UI skills if that was what you were implying.

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Thanks for your feedback! :heart:

Guys! Commissions are open for only limited time!

A pretty good showcase added to programming!

I added a war themed UI to portfolio!!

Hey please add me!


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Okay, i sent you a friend request.