Community Resource 3 | Detect If Player Has Joined Before Logic | Zephyra Studios

Welcome all to the third part of our Community Resource series, here we are making a script that will detect if a player has joined before. Sorry for not posting for a long time. :frowning_face:

Resource Number 3


Detect If Player Has Joined Before Logic

local DataStoreService = game:GetService("DataStoreService")
local playerDataStore = DataStoreService:GetDataStore("PlayerJoinData")

	local playerKey = "Player_" .. player.UserId
	local success, data = pcall(function()
		return playerDataStore:GetAsync(playerKey)

	if success then
		if data == nil then
			-- Player is joining for the first time
			print(player.Name .. " is joining for the first time!")
			-- Save the player's first join status
				playerDataStore:SetAsync(playerKey, true)
			-- Player has joined before
			print(player.Name .. " has joined before.")
		-- Handle DataStore error
		warn("Could not access DataStore for " .. player.Name)

Short Video Representation


Click Here - Streamable

On Your End


  1. Create a Script and put in inside of ServerScriptService and name the Script however you’d like

  2. Copy the code above and paste it inside of the Script

Other Resources

Community Resource 1

Community Resource 2

These scripts are some of the data that will be used in the development of our game, use them as you please, no credit is needed. Come back next time! Thank you! :smiley:

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