[UPDATED] Community Resource 2 | Customizable Interpolative Camera (3-Dimensional) | Zephyra Studios

Welcome all to the second part of our Community Resource series, here we are making a scriptable camera, that is scripted with interpolative camera movement for added smoothness.

[UPDATED] Resource Number 2


Interpolative Camera

local Camera = workspace.CurrentCamera
local Mouse = game.Players.LocalPlayer:GetMouse()

-- Set the camera type to Scriptable
Camera.CameraType = Enum.CameraType.Scriptable

-- Define minimum and maximum rotation limits (in degrees)
local minRotationX = -10 -- Limit how much the camera can look up
local maxRotationX = 10  -- Limit how much the camera can look down
local minRotationY = -15 -- Limit how much the camera can rotate left
local maxRotationY = 15  -- Limit how much the camera can rotate right

-- Variables to store current camera angles
local currentRotationX = 0
local currentRotationY = 0

-- Variable to store the previous mouse position
local lastMousePosition = Vector2.new(Mouse.X, Mouse.Y)

-- Smoothness factor (adjust to make movement smoother)
local smoothFactor = 0.1

-- Function to update the camera based on the mouse movement and attach it to CameraPart
local function updateCamera()
	local cameraPart = workspace:WaitForChild("CameraPart") -- Ensure CameraPart exists
	if cameraPart then
		-- Fix the camera's position to be attached to the CameraPart
		local targetPosition = cameraPart.Position + Vector3.new(0, 5, 0) -- Adjust height offset if needed

		-- Calculate the change in mouse position
		local mousePos = Vector2.new(Mouse.X, Mouse.Y)
		local mouseDelta = mousePos - lastMousePosition

		-- Update current rotations based on mouse movement
		currentRotationX = currentRotationX - mouseDelta.Y * 0.2 -- Invert Y-axis for natural feel
		currentRotationY = currentRotationY - mouseDelta.X * 0.2

		-- Clamp the rotations to the defined min and max values
		currentRotationX = math.clamp(currentRotationX, minRotationX, maxRotationX)
		currentRotationY = math.clamp(currentRotationY, minRotationY, maxRotationY)

		-- Create target CFrame with clamped rotation and attach it to the CameraPart
		local targetCameraCFrame = CFrame.new(targetPosition) * CFrame.Angles(math.rad(currentRotationX), math.rad(currentRotationY), 0)

		-- Smoothly interpolate to the target CFrame using lerp
		Camera.CFrame = Camera.CFrame:Lerp(targetCameraCFrame, smoothFactor)

		-- Update last mouse position
		lastMousePosition = mousePos

-- Continuous update loop to keep the camera following the mouse and attached to the CameraPart

Short Video Representation


Click Here - Streamable

On Your End


  1. Create a LocalScript and put in inside of StarterPlayerScripts and name the script however you’d like

  2. Copy the script above and paste it inside of the LocalScript

Other Resources

Community Resource 1

These scripts are some scripts that will be used in the development of our game, use them as you please, no credit is needed. Come back next time! Thank you! :smiley: