Completely reinstall Roblox Studio?

How do I completely reinstall Roblox Studio, with everything in it reset?
I really need to reset it because there is a very annoying bug, where I can’t log out of a Roblox account because the “Log out” button is out of bounds


Mind recording a video on what you’re experiencing? You could report this as a Bug so you can get Engineers to look into this.


Uninstall all ROBLOX temp files from your PC directory that saves cache / and begin to uninstall your Roblox Studio.


where are they located?

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The “Log out” button is gone

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Why do you have so many accounts logged in at the same time :sob:??

Yeah, I think the Logout button is just being pushed down beyond the Window because there are too many accounts on the list

I love making alts and holders

So do you want to logout of all of these accounts?

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yea, theres a bunch of useless accounts that i dont need anymore

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Well there’s a topic created on this. Try following the steps and see if it works:


You can try holding Windows key and pressing arrows to resize the active window. I do that sometimes when top of “Search” dialog goes off screen (I maximize it and drag back down).

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Thank you Thank you Thank you Thank you :3