Computers Crashing A lot

For some reason after a recent update I did to add an anti cheat to my game computer players started crashing a lot.

The anti cheat is just a simple check after a remote is fired.

Game link: Legends Arena - Roblox


Same here, it started to crash users recently, i getting crashed too instantly after joining the game, i still don’t know what’s causing it, heres my crash rate.


Some of our users are also reporting crashing on the PC today as well. Not sure if it’s a coincidence but the same users were playing the game yesterday and it was just fine.


Seems like mobile and consoles are not affected. Roblox did not generate any crash logs for these users when it happened so we have no clue where to start.


The same error (Roblox has crashed. Please perform a Windows clean boot) also occurs at Border Simulator
I tried switching to older versions and it’s still crashing so i’m sure it’s a roblox problem.
Do you guys have any idea? As I see, most other games dont have this problem.


From what I’ve seen only players on windows have crashed. A player on their macbook told me they had no issues.


Can concur. From what I’ve gathered, mostly Windows users.


Same here. only on windows… Is there any workaround to avoid this crash? It looks very critical.


Jailbreak is experiencing this as well…

It seems to perhaps be related to NPC Humanoids perhaps? I am unable to repro it in Studio. It only happens online. And also only on Windows machines, as other people here have reported…

“Roblox has crashed. Please perform a Windows clean boot”

According to analytics, the Jailbreak crash rate on computer has noticeably gone from ~1% to roughly 5% beginning sometime between 1:30 PM EST and 2 PM EST on 4/16/2024 (today). We have lots of players, & this is pretty statsig increase.

(Given this time range, and if it IS related to humanoids as I suspect, I see a couple flags changes that happened which could be relevant:FixCharacterEmptyOptRead, MaxTimestepMultiplierHumanoid_Rollout)


My game has been crashing while playing jailbreak, and I would assume that it could be related to NPCs. I have been crashing a lot in Roblox in general, but robberies like the CEO or the airdrops usually crash me. I’ve also crashed in random places along the map, but NPCs seem to be something causing a problem. The crash logs say that there was an invalid request to somewhere, but I’m not entirely sure what is causing it.

I see now, I have one character in my game the can summon NPC humanoids on the client and using it seems to make me crash. I also reviewed some footage and I noticed I crashed soon after someone spawned some humanoids.


Hello everyone, thank you for reporting this.

If you are able to reproduce the problem on your end, could you please follow the steps in this post to create a crash dump, upload it to Onedrive, and then DM me the link?




Thanks a lot. no more crashes after disabling summoning NPC humanoids :slight_smile:


Hello everyone,

We believe we’ve mitigated the issue with a Flag Flip. Please try restarting your Roblox app and then joining an affected experience. Please let us know if you still experience the issue.
