Reports without the following information will NOT be investigated
Replies to bug reports must also follow these guidelines where possible. This means “Me too!” replies are not acceptable.
Requesting Access for Bug Reporting
You can request access for bug reporting by joining this Group.
For more info, please see our Bug Reports Update.
You can find ‘Report Bug’ on the DevForum homepage:
Your bug report must have:
- An accurate title - Engineers should know what the bug is before opening the thread. Be specific!
- A detailed description - Explain what you expect, and what happens instead.
- Where it happens - Include links if it happens with specific places / users / groups / etc.
- When it happens - Include the date and time (including timezone) when it started happening.
- Videos and images - Include visuals to demonstrate the problem.
- Reproduction instructions and files - See below
Required information - See below
See some examples.
Reproduction Steps
Provide step-by-step instructions that cause the bug to happen.
These steps must be:
- Minimal - Simplify complicated steps or conditions as much as possible.
- Specific - Steps must be clear and detailed. Don’t assume engineers know what you mean.
- Consistent - Ideally, your steps reproduce the issue 100% of the time. Specifically mention how often your steps reproduce the bug (100% / 50% / Rarely?)
Reproduction Files
If your bug is with Studio or the Roblox engine, upload a very simple place file to your thread that can be used to reproduce the bug. This file should contain the bare minimum to cause the bug to happen.
Always include reproduction (repro) files for bugs that only happen with specific scripts / place setups / instances / etc!
If your repro file contains private content, you should DM it to the Logs / Crash Dumps / Other Bug Files group. Include a link to the DM in your thread. This link is only viewable by Roblox employees
How to create a repro placefile
If you are seeing an issue that you can reproduce 100% of time, or at least intermittently (e.g. it happens 1 out of 10 times), the best way to report this is - to attach a “minimal repro” placefile:
- Take the place where you see the problem and make a duplicate of it.
- Remove as much content as possible to reduce it to the bare minimum that still exhibits the issue.
- If some actions need to be taken to see the problem, consider scripting it so that this happens automatically.
- Attach the placefile to your report.
- Describe what happens vs what you expected.
- If you know you did something special (e.g. set some property to an unusual value etc), specify those details in the description.
An example description:
Just load this into Studio and press Run.
You will see an explosion, which will run for a few seconds, but then abruptly disappear before finishing the animation.
I expect the explosion to finish fading.
This happens because I changed TimeScale on the explosion to a very small value.
Required Information
You must include this extra supporting information:
If your bug is happening on the website:
Make sure the bug still happens if you disable all of your browser extensions.
Include what browser version you are using.
If your bug only happens to a specific game / user / group / etc:
- Make a repro file as simple as possible that causes the bug. Otherwise, include direct links to the affected game / user / group; engineers will not know what “my group” or “game-name” means.
If your bug is happening in Studio:
- Make sure it only happens in Studio and post in #bug-reports:studio-bugs. If it happens at all in games joined from the website, post in #bug-reports:engine-bugs!
- Check that it still happens when your plugins are disabled
If you are crashing / freezing / disconnecting / having problems running Roblox or Studio:
(Review the difference between crashes, freezes, and disconnects, make sure you use the right word!)
If you have a crash or freeze, include a program dump, reproduction information and your log files.
If you have disconnection / backend server problems (e.g. game or Team Create disconnects), provide information to help Roblox find the issue, and your log files.
If Roblox is lagging or running slowly:
- Include a microprofiler dump, and your system information.
If you have graphics problems or Roblox looks wrong:
- Include your system information.