Connect 2023 Challenge

@PlanetLumaLee @bri9adeiro @Gu4rana

I forget to name an pre made image what is by my avatar on the loading screen it’s my group logo and I have them on an board

And us game have an to high server sise it must be 6 as the game to full is you cannot play so you can beter made an private server

What is going on guys any news about connect challenge results?

Great game but wich template you use for it it loads not layered clothing

it’s default template and i disabled layered clothing in properties

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O inthougt that was the template that does that

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There 4 buttons around the jump button I can’t press shift but I take that’s one of them but it not working but game look great

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I had retaken a look. It seems the criticisms are valid. Why did u kick ppl and delete comments? People are genuine having a hard time with ur game. Take this as improvement and strive for the best


I don’t have any problem with criticism, my teammate deleted the comments, I don’t agree with his action.

Did someone has projects to send?

Ohh, I am sorry, we forgot to adapt the game to mobile :frowning: , thanks for playing it anyway :slight_smile:

Thought I’d share our game since others have shared theirs! Quite proud of this one, hope you enjoy it!
Game link: Pararoll!
Level solutions if ever you’re stuck: Pararoll! Level 1 - 5 completion guide - YouTube


Two friends (@chapatiwarrior12 + @ContentCreated_2nd) and I (@vracto) made a game about using clones to break into E Vill Corp HQ and destroy them while getting past lasers, guards and more.


Video: Clone Conspiracy - Connect 2023 Game Jam - YouTube

Hey yall, Since everybody seems to be sharing their game on here I’ll do it too. Here is the game link: Parallels will be destroyed - Roblox . Unfortunately I’ve fallen into the trap of assuming difficulty, so the bosses are unusually hard. I’d love to hear feedback! Thanks (also there are some grammatical errors don’t mind them :skull: )

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I had to work on this with a broken arm right after getting back from surgery :joy:
Just tried to make something short and simple

Let me know what you think of Parallel Pianist! :musical_keyboard:

(idk why the UI is so stretched :sweat: )


@PlanetLumaLee @bri9adeiro @Gu4rana

it's updated on end date

We has published new changes on the end time but someone in my group change something now the last updated date stay 9 aug but I hope not we disqualified I will a prize from the Dev rel

Date 10 August

Last published 2 days ago


date 13 August

Last published 5 days ago

And I made an copy from the game so we can work I. The Copy and overwrite it as we can work on the game next year I do that on end date so there no miss takes

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half of the game functions must work. It does work so don’t worry

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Who won? Where do we see the winners???

they’ll announce it and will be marked as the solution. last year it took a month


also if you won you will be notified about it so watch out for that


I didn’t get a chance to submit anything, nor did I even finish anything TO submit. I was just curious about who won.