Console not loading/crashing client

My game is not FE and uses TeleportService. CharacterAutoLoad is off and the character is initially loaded by the server. Here’s what happened:

It was in my game, Notoriety, and I was playing with one other person (Don’t think that’s significant). I played one of my maps (R&B Bank, to be exact), and the game started like normal. I spawned in and started interacting with objects like normal, but after a while, I tried to interact and it failed. Also, I tried changing weapons (a single keybind of ‘c’), and that didn’t work either. I thought it may have been a problem with my game at the time, so naturally I looked at the DevConsole for errors. The Local Console actually showed no errors, which was strange because it was a client issue that I thought I was experiencing. I tried shooting my gun, and that didn’t work either, though, which is a purely server-based issue. Just about every user input at that point wasn’t working for me, but it was for the other player who was playing. I checked the Server Console this time, and I saw this:

I decided to keep playing and look for strange behavior in the code, until this happened:

I could then assume this was not my problem, but a roblox problem.
Here’s my system info:

I could not replicate the issue again, though. It seems to just happen every once in a while. Maybe the issue is with character loading? (As seen here), or maybe it is with TeleportService.

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Seems like the same issue as in this thread.

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I think it has something to do with TeleportService, can you describe how your game uses teleporting?

^That’s the exact code, but I use CreatePlaceAsync along with ReserveServer. I then teleport using :TeleportToPrivateServer.

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Is this in ReplicatedFirst by any chance?


That script was in the lobby. When I join any of the actual games though, This does run in ReplicatedFirst:

game:GetService("TeleportService").LocalPlayerArrivedFromTeleport:connect(function(customLoadingScreen, data)
		local PlayerGui = game.Players.LocalPlayer:WaitForChild("PlayerGui")
	if customLoadingScreen then
		if customLoadingScreen:GetChildren()[1]:IsA("Frame") then
			for i = 1,10 do
				customLoadingScreen:GetChildren()[1].BackgroundTransparency = i/10
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