Constraint Chassis

Hey! Does anyone know how so that when you sit on the car, a guage similar to A-Chassis pops up? And you can replace it too, thanks that’d be helpful! :smiley:


That is a GUI. If you look in the A Chassis you will see something that says gauges. Look at the ScreenUI they have and that should help you learn. Aside from that you can design your own, but just learn how UI works and how to implement it.


My model doesn’t move in my game even if I press W.

Here is a video:

What can I do to fix this?

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Maybe it’s because the wheels are welded to the ground, this may happen because the car is on the ground in studio, so it automatically welds sometimes, try placing it above the ground in studio, then when you test it, it will just drop to the ground without there being a weld

I only knew about this chassis because of your vid, thanks, I don’t really use it anymore, not because it’s bad or anything, but because I found some… other stuff that will help me, you’ll understand later when I post a topic in a few months hehe, but it was a help


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Omg bro, this is a beautifully well made car chassis.
I have tried to make my own chassis by stripping freemodel chassis’ but its too hard
and unorganized, this is so basic I can make anything with this, Thank you so much

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Hi, I am currently trying to learn how Constraint-based chassis work.First of all, thank you for this resource, studying how it works should help me learn.

I am quite new when it comes to constraints and I was wondering if there is someone here who can breakdown this chassis for me and tell me what the role of each type of constraint is. If you could also give me some info on the important constraints’ properties and how they affect the behaviour of the car I would really appreciate this.

Once again, thank you for this resource, very helpful!

@ItsJustFahed Surely this post is over 2+ years old but I do have a question, What is the method you decided to use to calculate the max speed as the math proportions I have aren’t adding up

math.floor(Humanoid.SeatPart.Velocity.Magnitude * 0.681818 + 0.5)
Mine is saying the vehicle is going roughly 24 - 25 mph which is what it seems like. Unless your max speed is in a different type

Edit - The max speed is suppose to be 70

can you make me a custom chassis, Im stuck with achassis, little luck finding a good one

Its been a long time since I touched roblox studio but as soon as I get back I will release a v2 of this chassis with much better improvements and better documentation


Can’t wait to see what it offers.

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the deceleration is the same as acceleration? could it be faster for a braking effect?

I find the car to be a bit drifty at points, you can fix this by selecting all the wheel parts and setting their custom physical properties friction to about 0.7 I find is best

Is there any way to make this? Like, I don’t like having to rescale a mesh car to fit the wheels, or using a plain circle for wheels on a highly realistic car. Thanks!

You can rescale the “Wheel” to fit your meshes instead of the other way around

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is itt possible to disable the automatic weld cuz i use my own welds

I would just like to know, does this chassis run on the server or the local client?

It runs on both.​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​

Apologies for bumping such an old topic, but I was wondering whether or not anyone know if this chassis was capable of supporting vehicles with more than 4 wheels. I was looking through the script, but couldn’t seem to figure out how it detects wheels.

No it doesn’t, further modification would be required on the script.

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