[Contest] Make profile avatars for the needy

Help needy community members by creating an awesome place-holder profile avatar image! Check out how sad and lifeless this user’s post looks. He needs help!

Create an awesome and functional avatar image for us to use as a placeholder instead of the one we have now. Post them as replies in this thread. Do not post them as attachments - use links instead. You can put them in confidential tags if you don’t want anyone else to see, but I think it’s more fun if everyone can see and comment. Post as many avatars as you want.

Images must be 100x100 pixels like the original blank avatar.

Monday July 7. Staff will review all the art posted by that date and decide the winner.

Clockwork’s Teapot Turret Hat

Do it to improve the forums. Do it for the fabulous prizes. Do it for the fame and glory!

Is there a way to support multiple avatars which would be selected at random. Also, gender specific since you can set your gender on this forum.

Down the road we may be able to have random avatars or gender avatars. That requires some programming that we don’t have time/budget/focus for. For now we are just replacing the one default image.

I would but I’m not used to my new editing program and my old computer (With my old program) suckz. :frowning: :frowning: :frowning:

Someone distract Zelios.

I’ll update this with more once I make them.

Here’s mine, will update this post if I make more:

Can interns submit avatars?


Rub it in merely

Was the Teapot Turret a joke?

If not, expect 1 billion avatars from me!


Note: They all have transparent backgrounds. Also they’ve been edited 6 times since original post, check out the updates. :>

Oldschool variations:

Added 2 more:

Seen in the wild:

The rest seen in the wild:

Teapot turret is not a joke. The winner will receive that item.

There’s only one winner?

Not really a submission since I didn’t make it, but I think this in general just looks nice and would fit well.

I dont even know what a teapot turret is

Here’s my shot!

EDIT: More colors!

(high quality images can be sent just ask)

There is only one winner. No runners up.

I’ll make some in a bit.

We’re allowed to use the ROBLOX “R” circle logo right?