Just to get some confusion out the way, I am not talking about the Controller UI cursor:
I am talking about this one, it comes up when you connect a controller and replaces the MnK mouse cursor:
Now that I got that out of the way I can begin.
The controller cursor is now no longer respecting the MouseIconEnabled property found in UserInputService.
This is affecting all platforms Roblox is available on.
Very easy to reproduce: Run UserInputService.MouseIconEnabled = false via a script or studio console > Connect a controller and press a button > Cursor will still be visible
I ran the MouseIconEnabled = false in a loop to see if you had to toggle off after you switch to controller and that’s not the case.
I went through my old footage to see if maybe this was a thing back then and it wasn’t.
I’ve tested it in other games just to make sure it’s not just a my game problem and can confirm it occurs in all games.