Converting a color to a hex string?

Hey, and thanks for reading in advance.

In the customization menu of a fighting game I’m helping to code, players can change the color of their armor using various UI methods - sliders, a color box, and even a hex converter.

I coded this in such a way that altering the color with any particular UI element would automatically adjust the other UI elements to match the new color I.E. repositioning the sliders, adjusting the textbox contents, etc.

The trouble arrives with the hex converter box. I can convert a hex string into a color easily enough with the following snippet:

local function fromHex(hex)
	hex = hex:gsub("#","")
	local r = tonumber("0x"..hex:sub(1,2))
	local g = tonumber("0x"..hex:sub(3,4))
	local b = tonumber("0x"..hex:sub(5,6))
	return Color3.fromRGB(r, g, b)

However, as previously mentioned, the other elements on the panel are meant to automatically adjust themselves when you change the color via any of the methods. Thus, I’ve been experimenting with taking the newly chosen color and attempting to convert it back into a string, to no avail - roblox’s ‘tonumber’ method can convert string characters into their integer counterparts, but the process doesn’t seem to work in reverse with ‘tostring’.

Any help or advice is appreciated!


Well, I did it, friends. A little research and some applied effort and I wound up with something of my own creation:

function toInteger(color)
	return math.floor(color.r*255)*256^2+math.floor(color.g*255)*256+math.floor(color.b*255)

function toHex(color)
	local int = toInteger(color)
	local current = int
	local final = ""
	local hexChar = {
		"A", "B", "C", "D", "E", "F"
	repeat local remainder = current % 16
		local char = tostring(remainder)
		if remainder >= 10 then
			char = hexChar[1 + remainder - 10]
		current = math.floor(current/16)
		final = final..char
	until current <= 0
	return "#"..string.reverse(final)

print(toHex(Color3.fromRGB(255, 125, 0)))
-- #FF7D00

Proof of concept: #ff7d00 Color Hex


Alternatively you can use string.format’s %02X format specifier

local function from_hex(hex: string): Color3
        local r, g, b = string.match(hex, "^#?(%w%w)(%w%w)(%w%w)$")
        return Color3.fromRGB(tonumber(r, 16),
                tonumber(g, 16), tonumber(b, 16))
local function to_hex(color: Color3): string
        return string.format("#%02X%02X%02X", color.R * 0xFF,
                color.G * 0xFF, color.B * 0xFF)

Woah. Nice. That’s much shorter than what I had. Thanks :+1:t2:

Just put :ToHex() after Color3 value,0,1):ToHex()


There is an issue with this function. When using the Color3.fromRGB(0, 0, 0) it results in #0 which is incorrect Hex and will cause issues. So if you are going to use this function please be weary of this bug.

just use,0,0):ToHex()


Bruh this whole time its this easy? Why are there not easier ways to find this info. Thanks dude this should be at the very top as the answer.

and how to convert it back to rgb??

This thread is nearly a year old btw, I would recommend checking the Color3 documentation instead if you have more questions, but here:

-- to hex
local hex =, 0, 0):ToHex()

-- to color3
local color = Color3.fromHex(hex)
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