Converting a number to units tens hundreds and same for decimals

I want to be able to convert a number like 13.2 to its separate numbers like {10,3,0.2}. I have looked around and I don’t know if its just that I can’t word it properly but I can’t find how to do it anywhere. Thanks if you can help!

You can use this function:

local function splitNumber(num)
	local numStr = tostring(num)

	local parts = numStr:split(".")

	local integerPart = tonumber(parts[1])
	local tens = math.floor(integerPart / 10) * 10
	local units = integerPart % 10

	local decimals = tonumber("0." .. (parts[2] or "0"))

	return {tens, units, decimals}

-- Example usage
local number = 13.2
local components = splitNumber(number)
print(components[1], components[2], components[3])  -- Output: 10 3 0.2
function ConvertNumber(num)
    local whole = math.floor(num)
    local fractional = num - whole
    local ones = math.floor(whole)
    local tenths = math.floor(fractional * 10)
    local hundredths = math.floor((fractional * 10 - tenths) * 10)

    return {ones, tenths, hundredths}

-- Example usage
local number = 13.2
local components = ConvertNumber(number)
print(components) -- Output: {13, 2, 0}

This can be used regardless of how many powers of ten you need to separate.

local function separatePowersOfTen(n: number, numberOfDecimals: number): {number}
	local maxExponent: number = math.floor(math.log10(n))
	local separatedPowersOfTen: {number} = table.create(maxExponent + numberOfDecimals + 1)
	for exponent: number = maxExponent, -numberOfDecimals, -1 do
		-- separatedPowerOfTen is (approximately) d * 10^exponent where d is a digit (0-9).
		local separatedPowerOfTen: number = n % 10^(exponent + 1) - n % 10^exponent
		separatedPowersOfTen[maxExponent - exponent + 1] = separatedPowerOfTen
	return separatedPowersOfTen

local testNumber: number = 1234.56789
local testDecimals: number = 3
local separatedPowersOfTen: {number} = separatePowersOfTen(testNumber, testDecimals)
for i: number, separatedPowerOfTen: number in separatedPowersOfTen do
	local exponent: number = -testDecimals + #separatedPowersOfTen - i
	local formatString: string = if exponent >= 0 then "%i" else `%.{-exponent}f`
	print(string.format(formatString, separatedPowerOfTen))

These all work but ill leave the one I’m going to use as solution. Thanks for the help!

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