Hey, I’m making a daily rewards system with a countdown label that loads up when a player joins the game. Preferably, the counter system should use the amount of seconds given to form the length of the countdown. The daily reward and countdown scripts themselves are done, but I’m struggeling to convert the amount of seconds left into a (h:min:sec) format. Any tips on how to complete the timer?
Here’s the part of the client sided script that forms the amount of seconds that I’d like to get converted:
local countdownLabel = script.Parent.Parent:WaitForChild("MainGUI").RewardTimeCount.TimeLabel
local timerEvent = game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage"):WaitForChild("Assets"):WaitForChild("Signals").TimerEvent
local TimeInSeconds
if TimeSinceLastVisit > WaitTime then
TimeInSeconds = WaitTime
print("Reward countdown starting at "..TimeInSeconds.." seconds.")
TimeInSeconds = WaitTime - TimeSinceLastVisit
print("Reward countdown starting at "..TimeInSeconds.." seconds.")