Converting Texture into 'Pixels'?

I’m looking for a way to adjust a Models texture (Built within Studio) to have a similar pattern to MC pixels?
Below is an image of both the texture and the model.

This is a brief example thrown together in Photopea of what I’m trying to achieve with texturing.
Does anyone have any suggestions? Thank you ^^

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You could just apply a pixelated texture directly to every part on the model. Alternatively, by creating a material with said texture, making every part made of it.
For the second option, you’ll need to convert a pixelated texture to gray-scale, and pop it into the material normal input.
You might have to go through some trial and error until you achive your desired result.


If it’s greyscale wouldn’t putting it in the diffuse be better? because you should be able to automatically recolor material variants. If you want it to have a 3d look then make it a normal map (you would have to use normal map colors tho)

Because of it being made in Studio, when I export it to Blender it uses Material rather than texture images.

Would it be possible to turn these materials into a texture, then using loop cuts split the cubes into several bit sections, export that UV and then adjust the shading according to that?

You would have to make the model in blender because if you were to import it into blender the UV’s would be messed up and fixing them would be a hassle. You could use most modifier in blender to get that voxel look as well, preferably the remesh modifier.

I’ve never seen this being implemented on Roblox before, BUT if you know of the Minecraft avatar bundle someone sold on the Roblox Avatar Shop, probably taken down by now, it somehow made the pants and shirt pixelated. I suggest looking into that, it might help.

I dont think I’m understanding you right but from what I can tell… no?

you can turn materials into textures via baking but it would be better to use the pixelated image as a Roblox material and put it on your model.

I’ve made it grey and raised the brightness and contrast using

use this to make a material variant in Roblox studio.

This should be your results…


if you want it to be fancy

this is it with an added normal map

I made this using NormalMap-Online


If you have any questions I’m happy to help if you need it (or anyone else)

You can also use this on terrain (I am not sure why you would)
Screenshot 2024-04-28 150001

Or set it to material override so that all of one material changes without you needing to change the material of all your parts

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