Cool game im making

now its in pre-alpha stage i suppose?

yep, silently updating the game, taking a lil break for now

This was awesome and really made me laugh when playing

Found an error when we tried to join a game:

Also found we could lose the ball if we fired when right in the corner of the map and send it out of bounds. Perhaps have a check to ensure the ball is always in play and to respawn when it disappears. We got the error from the ball local script saying it couldn’t find workspace.ball I think

im not really sure about the error, did it affect gameplay in anyway?

hmm i dont think i can replicate this, is it a specific map or all of them?

The error did affect gameplay and I had to rejoin to resolve. For the ball going out of bounds, my friend just fired when firmly in a corner. Nothing other than that really.

hmm ok, ima try recreate this and fix it (hopefully)
not sure about the error though, ill look into it

proof im not dead

(the update is not out yet still got plenty of bugs to fix)

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i swear every time i add a feature i need to add like five more, really shows how much this game is missing

The error is that for some reason ther was no humanoid in the character of BadDad2004 you can check in the script if ther is an humanoid and if ther is none reload the player character

yeah i fixed that problem 3 weeks ago dw

ok if you need help you can ask i would be happy to help

its sad that the project seem to be dead i played it multiples time with my friends its really fun i hope you one day update it.

oh the game isn’t dead, I am still updating it
the game isn’t technically released yet, I have not done any advertisements since I do not feel the game is engaging enough yet (so its not “dead” its just unknown by people)
I will either release next month or the month after
btw moved the devlog here

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ill be waiting for it thanks for the confirmation


Nice a new devlog!!!1!1!1!!1!!1!!1!
I never saw this lol

yea idk why I supposed this title is more “enticing” than the other one or something
(you just reminded me to post a update)

Instant lightspeed reply too
This game is cooler than the last one surprisingly. I wish I had these basic yet effective shop ideas. :confused:

turned on notifications for my browser after finding out its turned off by default after 20 years
always wondered why the devfourm didnt give notifications :skull:

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I learned a lot from the last one
(may or may not ripped some UIs and quest system from the old game)