Cool game im making

ok if you need help you can ask i would be happy to help

its sad that the project seem to be dead i played it multiples time with my friends its really fun i hope you one day update it.

oh the game isn’t dead, I am still updating it
the game isn’t technically released yet, I have not done any advertisements since I do not feel the game is engaging enough yet (so its not “dead” its just unknown by people)
I will either release next month or the month after
btw moved the devlog here

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ill be waiting for it thanks for the confirmation


Nice a new devlog!!!1!1!1!!1!!1!!1!
I never saw this lol

yea idk why I supposed this title is more “enticing” than the other one or something
(you just reminded me to post a update)

Instant lightspeed reply too
This game is cooler than the last one surprisingly. I wish I had these basic yet effective shop ideas. :confused:

turned on notifications for my browser after finding out its turned off by default after 20 years
always wondered why the devfourm didnt give notifications :skull:

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I learned a lot from the last one
(may or may not ripped some UIs and quest system from the old game)

any updates soon its been monthz