Cool UI project I'm working on :D

Game: ui test - Roblox
Video: roblox - YouTube
Everything you see in the game is made by me! :smile:
Its still a work in progress. And everything was made in studio except for the icons.
My inspiration: Feedback on my new Roblox Studio UI design and Feedback on newest UI
(Please leave your honest opinion in the replies!! :smile:)
I’m thinking of doing commissions but I’m not talented with art ;-; so I don’t know what to do :shrug:

If you have any ideas of what else I should work on, tell me in the replies! I love to work on these types of things since its fun! :smile:


dang dude thats really nice, keep up the great work

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Thank you! :smile: I like working on these types of projects since they are fun and let me do something while in quarantine!

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Layout looks really nice! Hope you can use it in some of your games soon. :wink:

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Wow! Your UI Design looks very awesome, and blends very well with the Roblox logo. Keep up the good work. :slight_smile:

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Very nice work, keep it up :+1:

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Looks great! I love how I can change the values.

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That looks very nice! No comments. You did a great job there :smiley: