Feedback on newest UI

Hello, I made a redesign of Roblox homepage, I would like honest feedback on it
Also I made one easter egg lol


Aww. That looks so nice. I wish the home page looked like this.


Really good! I’d love to see what the other tabs would look like. One thing I notice is some inconsistency in the icons. For example, the backpack, mail and microphone icons have outlines whereas the others are solid filled. You could consider replacing them with ones from this website. As well, the profile photo circle is a little squashed and not perfectly circular. Overall, very nice concept.

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You should follow the font guidelines, use gotham as web font.

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Looks nice! Something like this UI should be implemented to our home page on roblox when we visit the website! :slight_smile:

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Very nice. I also love the easter egg lol, if only they allowed vc. Also, the catalog is avatar shop now, unless I missed something.

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This looks clean, simple and eye-catching design. Really love this GUI.

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Looks like something used for a phone or tablet. Not a web page.

This looks really nice! I wish you could see something like this on the Roblox homepage. I suggest rounding the “play again tab” and your “welcome tab”. Try that let me know if it works out for you! Great work:)

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Looks simple, professional, and modern.

(what every website should look like.)

Nice job!

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