Could we have math.round()

We have both a floor and a ceil, so why not have a round? It’s used fairly often for user input/ display purposes, and I could see people using floor a lot less where it shouldn’t be used if they didn’t have to make a round function each time.

I know that round() is basically just floor X+0.5, but ceil is also just floor(X+1)

As for it being a Lua thing, Roblox has modified core libraries before, hasn’t it?


ceil is not floor(X+1) - does not work for whole numbers.
(also there’s some complexity with fp specials but let’s omit that)

However, I do think round is a pretty fundamental function and should be in math.


I have two things I’d want a general purpose round function to do:

  • Round to specific places (e.g. round 1.02423052 to 1.02 or 1234 to 1200)
  • Round 1.499999 to 1.5 and 1.2499999 to 1.25 without changing parameters (aside from the number to be rounded obviously)

So the widely used round(number,accuracy) with accuracy defaulting to 1?
(even if you didn’t mean that, this seems the best implementation)


The reason there isn’t a math.round already is because there’s half a dozen ways to round a number in the way you’re intending:

  • Round half up
  • Round half down
  • Round half towards zero
  • Round half away from zero
  • Round half to even
  • Round half to odd

By using “round”, you could easily be referring to four more types of rounding (two of which floor and ceil already provide):

  • Round towards minus infinity (math.floor)
  • Round towards plus infinity (math.ceil)
  • Round towards zero
  • Round away from zero

Also note that you might just want to display a number truncated to a number of places, in which case you should use string.format instead.


The reason there isn’t a math.round already is because there’s half a dozen2 ways to round a number in the way you’re intending:

This is unimportant. You specify a rounding mode (it’s actually easy to specify - you just pick the same rounding mode fp unit uses for rounding extra mantissa bit) and roll with it. C has a round function, GLSL has a round function, HLSL has a round function.

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Rounding to specific places is tricky - the result may not be representative as a floating point number (for example, 1.02 isn’t). You want a string conversion for this (as @Anaminus mentions, string.format already can do that)

I’m not sure what specifically your second example intends to achieve (what should happen to 1.149999999? 1.15 is not representable as a float).

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I have a different idea of what math.round() would do:

This will take three arguments:

math.round(number, roundToNearestMultiple, decimalPlaces)
-- e.g.
math.round(6.2538, 2.511111, 3) -- prints 5.022

Let me demonstrate what it would do:

-- it would essentially combine these two functions:

function RoundToNearest(x, nearestSnap)
     return nearestSnap * math.floor(x / nearestSnap + 0.5)
function Round(x, places)
     local decimal = math.pow(10, places or 0)
     return math.floor(x * decimal + 0.5) / decimal

print(RoundToNearest(0, 10)) -- prints 0
print(RoundToNearest(7.535, 13.5234)) -- prints 13.5234

print(Round(10.5234, 2)) -- prints 10.52
print(Round(RoundToNearest(12, 13.498787), 4)) -- prints 13.4988

-- Here's the combined version, exactly how it would look if implemented

function RoundToNearestWithDecimalAmount(x, nearestSnap, decimalPlaces)
	assert(x ~= nil, " argument 1 missing or nil")
	assert(nearestSnap ~= nil or decimalPlaces ~= nil, " math.round requires at least 2 arguments")
	local thisSnap;
	if nearestSnap then
		thisSnap = nearestSnap * math.floor(x / nearestSnap + 0.5)
		if not decimalPlaces then
			return thisSnap
	assert(decimalPlaces >= 0, " decimal places can only be positive")
	assert(decimalPlaces % 1 == 0, " decimal places has to be an integer")
	local thisDecimal = math.min(math.pow(10, decimalPlaces or 0), 1e9) -- so it doesn't crash and print "nan"
	local roundedSnap = math.floor((thisSnap or x) * thisDecimal + 0.5) / thisDecimal
	return roundedSnap

print(RoundToNearestWithDecimalAmount(100, 90)) -- prints 90
print(RoundToNearestWithDecimalAmount(8, 2, nil)) -- prints 8
print(RoundToNearestWithDecimalAmount(12.123123, 3.1, 2)) -- prints 12.4
print(RoundToNearestWithDecimalAmount(12.1234, nil, 3)) -- prints 12.123

Would this be a viable function?