Counter for number of times a post has been edited is inaccurate

Repro steps:

  1. Write a post
  2. Notice a spelling mistake
  3. Fix the spelling mistake
  4. Notice a grammatical error
  5. Fix the grammatical error
  6. Decide to re-write the whole paragraph instead

Expected behavior:
The edit counter at the top of the post is accurate and indicates how many times someone has edited a post

Actual behaviour:

In my post, it says I’ve edited it only once:


Despite the fact that I know I’ve edited it at least 4 times.

Don’t edit posts, just spam someone’s notifications and constantly delete and re-post the same reply with a few very minor differences over and over. This way, your eyes will not grace this unsightly bug.

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Something is counted as an edit when 5 minutes has passed OR a huge part of the post is edited

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edit… not edit?

Where did you find this information? Is it documented somewhere?

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Technically this topic has this information

When I read it, I found out about why editing posts doesn’t always give one edit

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