Create a Logo | Part 2 | Photoshop/Photopea | Tutorial


I will be making this tutorial in Photopea as I have made last tutorial in photoshop, I will be showing how to make 3D text and a commission background. anyways enjoy!

3D Text

Firstly create a text layer as I did in this picture, the keybind is “T” if you prefer using keybinds. then size it correctly by using the keybind “Ctrl alt T” to transform on photopea. photoshop is different for the transform keybind.

After you’ve done that, duplicate the layer, double click it in the layers tab and a color overlay, the color overlay can be any color, since I used white text the color overlay was gray. transform it a bit to look like a shadow of the logo like shown below. (Resterize both layers before doing anything next)

If you’ve seen the picture above… the 3D shadow seems to be a little “sus” as they say. it doesn’t look much of a shadow at all where it should look like this

So how do we make it like that? we are going to use the Polygonal tool to fill all the areas which aren’t filled properly, in order to use the polygonal tool press L or go to the tools tab and where you see lasso, right click and change it to polygonal
After you have the tool selected, fill the corners for example:

make sure you have the proper color selected by using the “I” keybind to select the eyedropper tool.
as shown in the screenshot, select the polygonal tool and use it in order to fill the area.

Use “Alt + Backspace” in order to fill the area with your selected color.
Now after we have finished with all of that we are going to start adding an inner shadow to the 3D shadow.

Select the brush tool (B) and change it’s type to glow, lower the opacity of the brush to about 60% and the flow to 70%
Add a new layer and clip it to the 3D shadow. (Alt is used in order to clip, Hover your mouse between the two layers and alt + click. should have an arrow item pointing to the bottom layer)
Start brushing the layer with a dark color of the one your 3D shadow is. lower the opacity of the layer to how you think it fits properly

We are basically done with the 3D text now


I used a blue background but any color is fine,
use a plain brush with full opacity and flow with 11% accuracy to start messing around with the brush to make a cool draw.

I added a motion blur to make it look better
I forgot to take a screenshot of the final background but it was looking pretty good.

Thank you for reading and following the tutorial, I hope it helped you learn something and stay tuned for part 3 where I will reveal more information.

If you have any questions add me on discord: Nyoky#0110

Make sure to check out my twitter


Edit: Part 1 is useful may be found here Part 1


what font is this? I am having trouble making the text look like yours.


I believe I was using ariston comic, should come similar

Part 3? xD :stuck_out_tongue: , might do scripting tutos but thinking what to do now!


Really cool tutorial! I felt some of it wasn’t explained at all

Like here:

and here:

So I kindda missed those steps… I sortta did the background but I don’t understand how you made it not look like something hand-drawn… Can’t wait til part 3 either!

Also, here’s what I got:


Thank you so much for the tutorial, I have been looking for something like this!

Looks amazing! mb for the unclear instructions, will try better next time!

No problem, :smiley: Good luck messing around :slight_smile:

Thanks! This helped a lot since i’m trash at Photopea

Not a prob! you’ll get better overtime

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with a Hoodie and a Jacket, how do I make a Hoddie in a Jacket? like uhh

Black Jacket on the back with Roblox Logo and under is Develpoer but the Developer is Blue and the Roblox Logo is white and the Hoodie is white