Create a new server, same game - Scripting Support

Wassup! So, I want to create a new server and teleport that player to that server. I don’t want this new server to be private.
Here is what I have so far:

local ts = game:GetService("TeleportService")

game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage").StartPrivateGame.OnServerEvent:Connect(function(player, place)
	local Data = {place, true, player}
	ts:Teleport(game.PlaceId, player, Data)

But it just puts the player back into the same server (I know this because I tested it out with a friend), I’d like to create a fresh server and teleport that player to it.


All I know is that players can’t be teleported to non-existing servers. They must be teleported to servers with players. Try using 3 - 4 people in different servers. The more servers, the higher chance of switching servers.

Is there a way to create a server?

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Non-reserved teleport methods tap into Roblox’s automatic matchmaking which will create new instances if existing ones are at full capacity or the players being transferred exceed the number of available slots in an instance. Developers cannot manage instances in automatic matchmaking.

Only way you can create servers is through reserved servers, however instances tied to a reserved server are detached from automatic matchmaking and require an access code and specific teleport method to access. This doesn’t fit your use case though.

Answer then is that you can’t.


Basic Admin Essentials has a system sort of similar to this, I can give you the commands that use this here:

:createserver [ServerName] (Creates a new server)
:deleteserver [ServerName] (Deletes a server)
:joinserver [ServerName] (Joins the player that runned the command into the server)