Creating A Bloxikin Command Morph (Tiny Player)

  1. What do you want to achieve?

A Bloxikin Morph Command, or a way to achieve a Bloxikin body with default character appearances when a player doesthe /bloxikin command.

Example :

  1. What is the issue?

No idea how to get started on this. I know you can use Custom StarterCharacters for a game, but how could you possibly do a StarterCharacter bloxikin but with the original avatar presets of a player? Also how could I make this a command, if they wanted to morph into a bloxikin which results into a (tiny player).

  1. What solutions have you tried so far?

I already know the command scripts for a player and how to see if they chatted.

I took a look at : This resize dev forum post.

The other problem is the arms have to be at a certain angle as well. Could it be easier to morph a character into a default humanoid (bloxikin) then put the clothes and accessories they are wearing onto them?

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Having a bloxikin template character would be ideal, why? there’s a high chance that the player is using rthro as his default avatar, now how that would work is, when the player chats make it so the player’s character changes into the bloxikin template character stored somewhere inside ReplicatedStorage.
Then loop through the player’s default character and store all his accessories inside a table.
Apply all accessories onto the new bloxikin template.

Note: To change a player’s character you would have to somehow reset him, changing it directly wont work as far as i know.

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Ya I was thinking of creating a bloxikin template.

Then when the player does the command.

It will reload the player into that template, but also load the shirt and pants including their accessories onto that template.

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