Hey, friends below are details of my thought process, context, and the current issue I face.
The equation for the circle and I plugged in the x and y as the mouse’s x and y for the player. Then translated half of the viewport’s x and y.
This equation is as follows:
This looks perfect but the main issue is the circle is translated a little down and to the right for some reason and I can’t figure out why?
Here’s a video of behavior (DO NOTE that when it says Is solution: false that means the mouse is in the circle):
((mouseX-viewPortCenterX)^2) + ((mouseY-viewPortCenterY)^2) looks very similar to the magnitude equation, however there is usually still a square root ((X1-X2)^2+(Y1-Y2)^2)^0.5 at the end in such an equation and not just ((X1-X2)^2+(Y1-Y2)^2), but I have no idea what causes the unwanted behaviour. All I can see is you’re trying to get the magnitude from the center and remove Radius from it, the actual radius would be the square root of said radius thanks to the equation
Well I accounted for this because radius is actually a misnomer. radius = 225 because 225 is 15 squared. So in that sense it is squared, therefore it. should be equivalent, and you can check this in demos. In a new test I revitalized for
const x = player.GetMouse().X;
const y = player.GetMouse().Y + 58; // Added 58 for GuiInstet; Center is now (0,0)
const viewXCenter = camera.ViewportSize.X / 2;
const viewYCenter = camera.ViewportSize.Y / 2;
const r = 64;
const equation = ((x - viewXCenter) ^ 2) + ((y - viewYCenter) ^ 2) <= (r ^ 2);
Which now has a better named r AND I found out the mouse API has GuiInset applied to it so I used + 58 to offset now the top right of the screen is (0,0) regardless of the top bar; however, my circle still offsets a little down. It seems like it draws down and right and the (h, k) values start at the top left so I’m trying to figure how to offset it with diameter with little sucess.
I tried doing this but it honestly just goofs the thing up further. I am honestly starting to believe it’s an issue on Roblox’s part. What I did is performing what you said an offset of r A.K.A half of the circle, but this just randomly scaled it way left and up. If anyone ever fully solves this let me know because idk.