Creating a Crate/Spin System

Update: This project is no longer actively supported, however the methodology and coded examples should be more than enough to guide you in setting up your own spinner. Have fun!

What is a Crate System?

Playing around a few front-page games, you’ll notice a popular method for earning items: spinners! Generally, they contain a collection of items of varying rarities which are rewarded randomly after purchasing a crate.

In this tutorial I’ll be covering how to setup such a system, along with examples of the most effective (and not so effective) methods I’ve discovered over time! Hopefully you’ll find the process an enjoyable challenge and learn a few tips about UI Design, client-server relationships, etc along the way!


We can split the crate system into three core componments:

  1. Requesting a spin
  2. Generating and Rewarding results
  3. Displaying results

Requesting a Spin

First, lets create a TextButton.

Once pressed, we want to carry out the following tasks on the client:

  1. Verify the user can activate the spinner (e.g. do they have enough cash?)
  2. Display a loading message
  3. Invoke the server (via a remote function)
  4. Begin the spinner or display any appropriate error messages
  5. Include a debounce to prevent the user double-spinning

I recommend writing the verification function in a separate Module script (aka ‘contents’ in this example) so both the client and server can utilise the same code, reducing data redundancy.

contents["Price"] = 1

function contents:PermissionToSpin(player)
	local leaderstats = player:FindFirstChild("leaderstats")
	if leaderstats and leaderstats.Cash.Value >= contents.Price then
		return true
		return false

In this example, I’m using the standard Roblox leaderboard; feel free to adapt to your own data systems.

Once completed, your activation code will look something like the following:

	if spinDe then
		spinDe = false
		local originalSpinText = spin.TextLabel.Text
		--Check user has permission to spin
		if not contents:PermissionToSpin(player) then
			spin.TextLabel.Text = "Not enough cash!"
			spin.TextLabel.Text = "Loading..."
			--Invoke server
			local spinDetails, errorMessage = rfunction:InvokeServer()
			if not spinDetails then
				if not errorMessage then
					errorMessage = "Error!"
				spin.TextLabel.Text = errorMessage
				--Begin spinner
		spin.TextLabel.Text = originalSpinText
		spinDe = true

Generating Results and Rewarding the User

Now, lets generate the results on the server. Often, inexperienced developers will generate the items on the client then request the server to give them that particular item. This is a huge no no which will open your server to a tsunami of vulnerabilities. Remember, never trust the client.

First, lets setup some tables to store information on our items. We’ll use the same module again so both server and client can access the data:

function contents:GetItemTypes()
	local itemTypes = {
		Rarity = {Name = "Common",		Chance = 0.589, 	Color = Color3.fromRGB(0,85,127),	DuplicateReward = 20};
		Items = {
			{Name = "Item1", ImageId = 2419083546};
			{Name = "Item2", ImageId = 1468821126};
			{Name = "Item3", ImageId = 2643944686};
			{Name = "Item4", ImageId = 1468821305};
			{Name = "Item5", ImageId = 1468822149};
		Rarity = {Name = "Uncommon",	Chance = 0.300, 	Color = Color3.fromRGB(43,125,43),	DuplicateReward = 50};
		Items = {
			{Name = "Item6", ImageId = 1468821620};
			{Name = "Item7", ImageId = 1801056307};
			{Name = "Item8", ImageId = 2419083419};
			{Name = "Item9", ImageId = 1468820879};
			{Name = "Item10", ImageId = 2643944712};
		Rarity = {Name = "Rare",		Chance = 0.100, 	Color = Color3.fromRGB(210,85,0),	DuplicateReward = 100};
		Items = {
			{Name = "Item11", ImageId = 1471365373};
			{Name = "Item12", ImageId = 1468818998};
			{Name = "Item13", ImageId = 1468820407};
			{Name = "Item14", ImageId = 2570569323};
			{Name = "Item15", ImageId = 1468820383};
		Rarity = {Name = "Legendary",	Chance = 0.010, 	Color = Color3.fromRGB(170,0,0),	DuplicateReward = 200};
		Items = {
			{Name = "Item16", ImageId = 2419084522};
			{Name = "Item17", ImageId = 1468819804};
			{Name = "Item18", ImageId = 2419083272};
			{Name = "Item19", ImageId = 1468820065};
			{Name = "Item20", ImageId = 1468821559};
		Rarity = {Name = "Mythical",	Chance = 0.001, 	Color = Color3.fromRGB(170,0,225),	DuplicateReward = 500};
		Items = {
			{Name = "Item21", ImageId = 2987584671};
	-- Records the group the item belongs to. This can be used to retreive data on the item's group (such as it's rarity, color, etc) when we only have info for the item.
	for groupIndex, group in pairs(itemTypes) do
		for i, item in pairs(group.Items) do
			item.GroupIndex = groupIndex
	return itemTypes

In this case, ‘chance’ is a number between 0 and 1 defining the likelihood of the items from that group being added to the spinner. It’s essential that the chance values total to 1.

To generate the spin-items (crates):

  1. Specify how many we wish to generate; in this case 45.
  2. Generate a random number between 0 and 1. We will use the math.random() to achieve this.
  3. Iterate through each rarity group. If the random number (we’ll define as ‘randomChance’) is less than or equal to the group’s chance (‘chance’), then break and return the group’s rarity, else repeat, adding chance to a cumulativeChance variable, until randomChance is less than or equal to cumulativeChance.
--Eliminate already-owned items (Optional)
local modifiedItemTypes = contents:GetItemTypes()
if contents.EliminateOwnedItems then
	--Get table of currently owned items
	local ownedItems = {}
	for i,v in pairs(player.leaderstats.Inventory:GetChildren()) do
		ownedItems[v.Name] = true
	--Iterate through each group
	for groupIndex, group in pairs(modifiedItemTypes) do
		local totalItems = #group.Items
		local totalItemsPlusOne = totalItems + 1
		-- Iterate though Items back-to-front so the items remain in the same position if one is removed
		for i = 1, totalItems do
			local itemIndex = totalItemsPlusOne - i
			local item = group.Items[itemIndex]
			if ownedItems[item.Name] then
				table.remove(group.Items, itemIndex)

--Generate Items
local items = {}
for i = 1, contents.Crates do
	--Determine rarity
	local cumulativeChance = 0
	local rarityGroup
	local randomChance = math.random()
	for groupIndex, group in pairs(modifiedItemTypes) do
		local chance = group.Rarity.Chance
		cumulativeChance = cumulativeChance + chance
		if randomChance <= cumulativeChance and #group.Items > 0 then
			rarityGroup = group
	--If user has collected all items, return error message
	if not rarityGroup then
		return nil, "Error: unlocked all possible items!"
	--Select random item from rarity group and add to 'items' table
	local newItemsGroup = rarityGroup.Items
	local newItemPos = math.random(1,#newItemsGroup)
	local newItem = newItemsGroup[newItemPos]
	table.insert(items, newItem)

Now we have a table of 45 randomly generated items with varying rarity… lets pick the winner!

This is in-fact a lot easier than you might expect. We’re simply going to say the 40th crate (5 from the end) is the winner. This enables the client to spin through plenty of crates before stopping while giving the illusion of plenty to come.

local winningCrateId = totalCrates - 5
local winningItem = items[winningCrateId]

Finally, we want to reward the user. This can be as simple as inserting a stat into their inventory, or additionally checking whether the item is a duplicate, and rewarding them cash accordingly:

local duplicate = false
if leaderstats.Inventory:FindFirstChild(winningItem.Name) then
	duplicate = true
	leaderstats.Cash.Value = leaderstats.Cash.Value + itemTypes[winningItem.GroupIndex].Rarity.DuplicateReward
	local newStat ="ObjectValue")
	newStat.Name = winningItem.Name
	newStat.Parent = leaderstats.Inventory

Once rewarded, return the data back to the client so they can begin their spinner effect.

return {
	["Items"] = items;
	["WinningCrateId"] = winningCrateId;
	["WinningItem"] = winningItem;
	["Duplicate"] = duplicate;

Displaying Results

Alright, now for the fun bit - the crate spinner!

I’m going to split this section into two sub-categories:

  1. Designing the Spinner
  2. Programming the Spinner

Designing the Spinner

Imagine the spinner as a launch coaster:

You have the station, track and coaster to hold you in place, while you have the launch pad and gravity to shoot you off and slow you down. Right now we’re designing the station, track and breaks:

The components to make up the spinner include:

  • Spinner framework
  • Crate template
  • Reward frame

For the framework I’ve created the frames: ‘Main’ to act as the border, ‘Crates’ as the black background, and ‘Holder’ (with a completely transparent background) to hold and spin the crates:

You may have noticed a property within frames called ‘ClipsDescendants’. When set to true, this prevents descendant GUI objects from being rendered outside the frame. We want this enabled in our case so that crates remain within the black frame:

I’ve also added a centre-line (for cosmetic purposes) and a Skip button.

For the crate, I’ve included an ImageLabel for the item’s image, two TextLabels to display the item’s name and rarity, and a ‘SpinClick’ sound effect.

Programming the Spinner

Now before we delve into the SpinFunction(), we first need to create the crates. "Why do this before retrieving the spin-details?". This saves the client the trouble of having to clear and generate a fresh batch of crates every single time the user spins, ultimately improving performance and reducing time spent loading the spinner. Instead, we’ll create them now and toggle their visibility and details when necessary.

To do this, we need to calculate the sum of the box’s width and gap we want between the crates, then multiply this number by the crate ID-1 to evenly spread them out. You can find the width of an object using the AbsoluteSize property.

local crateSizeX = template.AbsoluteSize.X
local crateGapX = 10
local crateTotalGapX = crateSizeX + crateGapX
for i = 1, contents.Crates do
	local crate = template:Clone()
	crate.Name = "Crate"..i
	crate.Position = crate.Position +, crateTotalGapX*(i-1), 0, 0)
	crate.Parent = holder

Remember when we invoked the server beforehand? Now that the server has returned the spin-details and the crates are setup, we can continue off of the client…

function SpinFunction(spinDetails)


First things first, lets:

  1. Iterate through all items [spinDetails.Items] and update their corresponding crate accordingly
  2. Calculate the distance between the centre-line and the mid-point of the 40th [spinDetails.WinningCrateId] crate, then subtract this from the holder’s position to get the ‘land position’.

To find the mid-point of a UI object, divide it’s X and Y size values by 2 then add these to the absolute position (alternatively you could set the anchor point scale to 0.5 if you’re good at manipulating GUIs).

Now we’re down to one final key component: the spinning of the crates.

This is the stage where multiple developers, including myself, initially attempt really complex and long-winded methods, only for them to be too slow/laggy/inefficient when it comes to final execution. For example:

  • Using a loop to move the crates and performing all sorts of math to make it slow down.
  • Using a loop and updating the position of each individual crate over 30 times a second. Please please please do not do this!
  • Only using 4-5 crates but shifting the lead-crate back to the start when it disappears out of view. As mentioned before, this is extremely expensive on the client (as you’re having to constantly update images, labels, positions, etc) and is quite frankly too complex and time-consuming.

Instead, we’re going to use TweenService and Easing Styles to achieve our desired movement, and only move the crate holder instead of each individual crate.

local tweenTime = math.random(7,8) -- The time the crates will spin for
local tweenInfo =, Enum.EasingStyle.Quart) -- The way in which the crates reach their destination (e.g. Quart will make it spin really fast then slow down quite rapidly)
local tween = tweenService:Create(holder, tweenInfo, {Position = landPosition}) -- landPosition is the position we calculated previously
tween:Play() -- Run the tween
tween.Completed:Wait() -- Wait until the tween is completed

And last but not least, wait for the spin tween to complete and display the reward frame!

Remember to toggle the visibility of frames as needed throughout the whole process (e.g. hide the ‘activate’ frame when players clicks Spin and show once again when they have claimed their reward).


Here’s a rough breakdown of everything we’ve covered:


  • Design the spinner framework, crate template and reward frame
  • Setup the crates when the player joins the game
  1. On the client
  • Press ‘Spin’ and verify the user
  • Invoke the server, letting it know you’re ready to spin
  1. On the server
  • Verify the user and deduct the cost of the spin from their cash
  • Retrieve the list of spin items and remove any duplicates as appropriate
  • Randomly generate a table of items to be used in the spinner
  • Select the winning item from this list
  • Reward the user
  • Return data back to client
  1. Back on the client
  • Update the crates with the data retrieved from the server
  • Calculate the distance between the start centre-point and end centre-point
  • Setup sound effects
  • Use TweenService and Easing Styles to achieve the spin effect
  • Display the reward frame

I’ve created an open-source place with the completed project if you’re interested in playing around: Crate/Spin System - Roblox


Wow, great work man! :+1:

I have seen a lot of people make a LootBox System Tutorial but they never offer as much value as you do, so I made my own unique system which works similar to this one you provided.

Any ideas on what you’ll do next?


Thank you, glad to hear! I’m looking to make one on inventory systems and datastores as these were always challenging when I first started out.


This is an awesome tutorial! It’s so in depth and informative. Great work! Thank you. :smiley:


How would I change the chances of the system?

I wanted to change all of the rarities to different chances, but it seems i would always roll common, and not any other race. I have no idea why this is doing this as I tried with different chance depths, and my last chance depth is 100, and the numbers are split evenly between 100.

Here’s my code:

local chanceDepth = 100

module.Races = 9 -- number of races

function module:GetRarityTypes()
	local rarityTypes = {
			Rarity = {
				Name = "Common", 
				Chance = 42.5,
			Races = {
				{Name = "Kirk"},
				{Name = "Rogeldan"},
				{Name = "Human"},
			Rarity = {
				Name = "Uncommon",	
				Chance = 35
			Races = {
				{Name = "Zaraki"},
				{Name = "Zephyr"},
			Rarity = {
				Name = "Rare", 
				Chance = 14.5
			Races = {
				{Name = "Ursidae"},
			Rarity = {
				Name = "Legendary",	
				Chance = 7.5
			Races = {
				{Name = "Prida"},
				{Name = "Yeti"},
			Rarity = {
				Name = "Mythical",	
				Chance = 0.5
			Races = {
				{Name = "Unknown"},
	-- Records the group the item belongs to. This can be used to retreive data on the item's group (such as it's rarity, color, etc) when we only have info for the item.
	for groupIndex, group in pairs(rarityTypes) do
		for i, item in pairs(group.Races) do
			item.GroupIndex = groupIndex
	return rarityTypes

I want to know what I am doing wrong here.


Good question, at the time of writing this I wasn’t aware you could do math.random() to generate a random number between 0 and 1. Instead, I would multiply the maxRandomInt by chanceDepth, then divide the random value generated by chanceDepth (to give a value between 0 and 1). I’ve removed chanceDepth since it’s no longer necessary.

When modifying the Chance values, you have to ensure they all total to 1. For example…

This will work:

Chance = 0.1
Chance = 0.2
Chance = 0.3
Chance = 0.4

This will exclude the last 2 items as their cumulative value exceeds 1:

Chance = 0.5
Chance = 0.4
Chance = 2.4
Chance = 0.1

I’ve updated the place here with the improvements. You can ignore chanceValue entirely now.


Hey! i just found an error:

Wen you unlock all the items you get the message about you got the max amount of items, well if you click you are still spending money…

In summary: Clicking will spend you money.


Nice spot, fixed!


Hey, i’m creating a game and im thinking about use crates to unlock and get “Materials” to craft, how do i achieve this with this Crate system without having a limit of items?

This is a great example! Does not take much to convert it to work with multiple crates either! Just a few simple changes!

  • ServerScriptService > SpinnerServer

change line 16 from
function rfunction.OnServerInvoke(player)
function rfunction.OnServerInvoke(player, crate)

also change line 37 from
if ownedItems[item.Name] then
if ownedItems[item.Name] or item.Crate ~= crate then

So this would check for the item is owned, and if it belongs to the wrong crate.

  • ReplicatedStorage > SpinnerContents

just edit each item to include the crate…
{Name = “Item1”, ImageId = 2419083546};
{Name = “Item2”, ImageId = 1468821126};

{Name = “Item1”, ImageId = 2419083546, Crate = “Box1”};
{Name = “Item2”, ImageId = 1468821126, Crate = “Box2”};

Then lastly, in

  • StarterGui > SpinnerGUIs > SpinnerClient

when invoking, simply add/change the crate details…
local spinDetails, errorMessage = rfunction:InvokeServer(“Box2”)


Hi I don’t undrestand where do I put this code :

--Eliminate already-owned items (Optional)
local modifiedItemTypes = contents:GetItemTypes()
if contents.EliminateOwnedItems then
	--Get table of currently owned items
	local ownedItems = {}
	for i,v in pairs(player.leaderstats.Inventory:GetChildren()) do
		ownedItems[v.Name] = true
	--Iterate through each group
	for groupIndex, group in pairs(modifiedItemTypes) do
		local totalItems = #group.Items
		local totalItemsPlusOne = totalItems + 1
		-- Iterate though Items back-to-front so the items remain in the same position if one is removed
		for i = 1, totalItems do
			local itemIndex = totalItemsPlusOne - i
			local item = group.Items[itemIndex]
			if ownedItems[item.Name] then
				table.remove(group.Items, itemIndex)

--Generate Items
local items = {}
for i = 1, contents.Crates do
	--Determine rarity
	local cumulativeChance = 0
	local rarityGroup
	local randomChance = math.random()
	for groupIndex, group in pairs(modifiedItemTypes) do
		local chance = group.Rarity.Chance
		cumulativeChance = cumulativeChance + chance
		if randomChance <= cumulativeChance and #group.Items > 0 then
			rarityGroup = group
	--If user has collected all items, return error message
	if not rarityGroup then
		return nil, "Error: unlocked all possible items!"
	--Select random item from rarity group and add to 'items' table
	local newItemsGroup = rarityGroup.Items
	local newItemPos = math.random(1,#newItemsGroup)
	local newItem = newItemsGroup[newItemPos]
	table.insert(items, newItem)

Is there a good reason for handling generating the random items that come before the winning item on the server instead of the client?

As long as you deduce the winning item on the server, you’re fine to generate the others on the client. Some developers may store spin-related details only on the server, hence I’ve generated all the crates on the server for this example.

I know this is pretty late but if I understand what you are asking, you are asking how to make it so you can get the same item multiple times and be able to have multiple of that item.

SpinnerContents in ReplicatedStorage change line 15 to false

In SpinnerServer in ServerScriptService change on line 88

		--Original Code
		local newStat ="ObjectValue")


		local newStat ="NumberValue")

Right under that make a new line and put

		newStat.Value = 1 --how much you obtain for finding it

Line 85 change

		--Original Code 
		leaderstats.Cash.Value = leaderstats.Cash.Value + itemTypes[winningItem.GroupIndex].Rarity.DuplicateReward


		leaderstats.Inventory:FindFirstChild(winningItem.Name).Value =leaderstats.Inventory:FindFirstChild(winningItem.Name).Value +1 --how much you obtain for finding it

All that is left is to change the messages that show when you find a duplicate item in lines 23-24 in SpinnerContents, could make it so it just says +1 instead of +20 cash, whatever you desire it to be.


I’ve constantly thought about how-to do this, and made similar things (Not Including Spinning) Because honestly, I was completely oblivious; to where, you could show only portions of a Gui (Besides Sprite Sheets). Basically, I had no freaking clue that Clip Descendants could do this. Lol.

Thanks a lot!

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Would you make a system that works with this like an inventory system or a skin/weapon system?

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While it’s not completely supported, you should probably factor the ArePaidRandomItemsRestricted key from the return of GetPolicyInfoForPolicyAsync.

It’s future proofing for when they actually implement it, since lootboxes are prohibited in some countries, ie: Belgium



This may be something I explore in the future, thanks for the suggestion.


Lootboxes/spinners aren’t strictly prohibited, it’s the paid factor behind them that is. This tutorial focuses on the functioning and design behind a spinner, as apposed to its implementation, therefore ArePaidRandomItemsRestricted isn’t something I plan to include.

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Hello! I really like this method, but I have faced a problem here: The leaderstats aren’t DataStored, (meaning that the cash remaining, items and inventory won’t save after you leave the game) and when I add my own DataStored leaderstats with the same name it loads the number 10 or 15 in the 3 leaderstats. I hope you can help me fix that!

This tutorial is purely on the functioning and design behind a spinner, as apposed to saving the values used and generated within it.

I’m looking to release a module to assist with data saving, loading, etc in the upcoming months; for the time being you’ll have to create your own datastore system or explore pre-made ones such as DataStore2.

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