Weapon Scope Effect by Manipulating Glass

Model Here


I am most certainly not the first to discover this, nor the last person, but as far as I’ve searched on the Internet, I appear to be the first to really talk about it, or cover it.
This could be because I am an idiot, and did not Search very well to find the Information, or that its really what happened, but either way, a tutorial was made to cover this, to hopefully ease things.

Please also note that this is likely a bug with the ROBLOX Engine, and at some point, may be fixed in the future, so if this doesnt work, please dont get upset at me, I dont control what ROBLOX does, or doesnt do with their engine, this is just something I thought would be very cool to share with the community.


Hi, So this is just something I recently discovered when playing around with Objects in Studio, and thought I would be cool share with the Community about (at least if they didnt know about already), It seems to be very cool way to making Visual Illusions, and what this tutorial is about, I’ll try to explain everything to the best of my abilities, but feel free to help out if I make any mistake or completely mess up something.

I heavily encourage that you should make your own designs rather than me giving a complete kit for other people to learn how to create it, rather than just taking i for later use, however to appeal to some people wanting it to easy access, it is linked above.

Essential Information

Here will contain essential information, such as:

  • What Components are need to replicate this effect
  • Recommended Transparency Range
  • General Limitations of this method


Component Material Description
Glass Glass The main piece of the scope effect, this allows you to create the effect on the objects. recommended transparency: 0.8 - 0.999 for perfect visibility.
Base Any This is the portion of the scope that is intended to be used as detail, such as a Mesh, or a Union. Use a Transparency of around 0.011 for the object to appear solid and not transparent


Limitation Description
Rendering Any Glass shown through the scope will not render properly. Visual Objects (such as ParticleEmitters, Semi-Transparent Objects, or Beams) will not be rendered when looking through the Glass Object unfortunately.
Transparency Range The Replication of this Scope Effect requires a specific range of Transparency to function propely. If you intend to have an object that looks solid, but is Affected by the Scope, the magic number you would be looking for is 0.011 , However If you are changing the Glass Appearence, Transparency of 0.011 - 0.999 would work.

Visual Showcase ( by OP )

This is a quick video showing what the final result could be if done correctly. Its encouraged that you create your own design, or at least incorporate it properly in your game, you dont really want something to be out of place.

Effect as shown using recommended transparencies

Effect as shown when using environmental effects


There are some alternatives from this method that describe other ways of making a scope. Note that it depends on what you want to create, and its untimately up to you if you want to try out these alternative mthods to a weapon scope.

“Dual Render” Scope System ( by @boatbomber )

This topic describes how you can render the environment around you using ViewportFrames to create a scope effect. In other game engines, this is usually how you create a scope, however ROBLOX has yet to create a efficient way to do this, as ViewportFrames become slower you more elements you add to them.

Picture in Picture Scope (Image Magnifying) Tutorial ( by @VaultZone )

This topic explains how you can use a Glass Sphere (or a curved glass object) to create a zoom in effect for a scope (such as a sniper). However it will make the environment in the scope look blurry and distorted, making it harder to use.

Blender Meshes / One sided Meshes

Some may notice that making a Mesh with a face removed so you can see through also works as an alternative while keeping the visual effects, and removes all limitations provided.
This also works, and would probably be more efficient in the long run, and can look very good, however with this method, you will likely see faces are being rendered if you look through a specific way. This can probably be fixed if done properly, thats a choice for you to make.

Other Relevant Topics

These are other relevant topics that discuss the same bugs, and how they can be used to create cool effects.

Hidden Glass Distortion Effect (With Real Time Reflections) - Tutorial ( by @zhyperix )


I would love to hear your opinions on this, and this Optic Illusion, If you have anything to say, feel free to say it!

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wow, this is such a clever trick! awesome job mate


can i get that scope as a model or perhaps the glass?cuz i want the zoomed effect

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Post Update 2024/4/8

A Model has been released, containing the essential materials for the Scope Effect in this topic.
Topic is going to recieve a lot more updates over a small period of time to improve use, and quality.

I’m guessing its due to how the refraction effect works. I doubt its a bug

So you’re telling me that semi-transparent blocks disappearing when shown through a glass is intentional?

Keep in mind that none of roblox’s official staff have confirmed that this is intentional or not, its considered intentional because nothing has been done about it, but thats not always the case.

We just dont know.