Creations Page Public Beta šŸ¤­

Wow this is amazing I check it out and it looks awesome,
I really like this update, Keep it up :+1:

Glad to see progress on getting rid of the old Create page. There are a few areas where it looks really weird/bad, so I changed up the UI a bit and I feel this is a bit better in my opinion.

For any changes that arenā€™t made, I am extremely thankful that the CSS selectors are seemingly consistent. At least for me, I can create a user style for it and fix up anything I donā€™t like!

With that said, here is what I did to change it up:

  • I removed the gradient. I seriously donā€™t like it and it feels extremely out of place especially with the sidebar.
  • I zoomed out to 80% using Firefox (Chrome may have a different way of scaling and it may not match)
    • I did this because the UI is really huge, and this seemed to be the best and easiest way to make it look good. If the large icons is kept, I will definitely be keeping my 80% scale.
  • Resized the sidebar from 240px to 300px
  • Resized the font for the section names in the sidebar from 0.625rem to 0.9rem to improve readability.
  • Filled the empty space on the tabs. In hindsight, that empty spot is possibly for a search bar or something else.
  • Changes were made based on how I saw it on a 1080p screen, however also it looks great on my second monitor which is 1440x900ā€”especially the 80% zoom! Itā€™s very nice not having one icon take up such a huge amount of your screen.


Woe, now thatā€™s a better alternative. I like it!

Maybe they can add an edit button for instant access to the published place like here:

Iā€™m fine if they donā€™t put that in the end because I can just go to the gameā€™s page directly and press ā€œā€¦ā€ to edit the place. Overall, nice edit!

This is amazing. the page has been the same since i started developing back in 2018.

I did notice that the library is missing, which is pretty inconvenient, but since this is a beta this will be fixed.

It is done :sunglasses:


This is awesome! I have been waiting for this update for so long!

Any chance of a new avatar page possibly?

Seems Smooth and Nice.

Nice Job!

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This is a nice rework of a website that was very little changed since I joined in 2013.

I, however, have a lot to add. Bear with me for this.

1. We still donā€™t have a search bar.

This feature has been requested countless times on Platform Feedback. I really support this, even if for now I donā€™t see myself using it that much, it will certainly be helpful for users who go back to older projects a lot either for assets or scriptsā€¦
This wouldnā€™t have been a big problem if we could set a page number, and then search with CTRL + F, something which brings me to the next point.

2. Find in Page returns inconclusive

This screenshot sums it allā€¦


I looked up with CTRL+F in Firefox the words ā€œMap Testā€, and only one of the 2 games next to each other with this keyword in their titles returned as found. Iā€™m not exactly sure, but I think the new interface in general has issues with Find in Page. Think it will be really useful to have this working by the time of the release.

3. Where exactly is Library?

Library is nowhere to be seen in the new Creations page, alongside buttons for DevEx and Premium Payouts. I can see a custom page for DevEx and Premium Payouts, but I can also sadly see the discontinuation of the library page and moving to the Roblox Toolbox My problem with this is for audio. Whenever any copyrighted sound is published with any name, Roblox replaces it with something similar to the audio content copyright free, but keeps the name. This leads to looking up ā€œx Soundā€ to get a sound effect for my game and being greeted with 200 Roblox songs. My fix for this was the Library, but it seems as itā€™s missing from the new version.

4. Translator Portal

Not really a big user of this feature, but as Roblox wishes to go into separate markets around the world, and with Active Translation not coming in the forseeable future, itā€™s recommended that you donā€™t forget about this one, and that you even add onto it and improve it!

5. News Bar

This is actually a suggestion Iā€™d love to see.
If I log on to work on a game in the morning, Iā€™d like to see if any new announcements have been done on the developer forum. This could work in the fashion that blog posts are shown by BTRoblox.

2 or 3 newest headlines would be nice, maybe some first few works too! Seems as we have some space to work with.

Hope this helps, and that maybe youā€™ll get a few ideas for the Dashboard from me.
As a nostalgic person, seeing the last page that was the same all my time on the platform go will not be easy :frowning:

(Edit: Sorry for replying to that one person.)


Would be nice if it was following the style guide. Something like this:

By the way, the circles are placeholders for the icons


Wasnā€™t it already redesigned ages ago? Idk if Roblox will proceed with doing that again.

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I have no words for this. This is out of this world! Amazing isnā€™t even enough to describe it. Over the years, the website has been getting a lot of updates, but the Creator and Library page always seemed off. Now, this has finally changed. This is a truly amazing interface that I do not think I will ever get bored of. I have no words for this. Of course, as mentioned by other users as well, implementing a search bar would be a great feature, but so far, this is amazing by itself. I am happy about the Creations page getting an update, and I cannot wait for the Manage feature which will be coming in the future. No words. You did an amazing job on this!

One question though. Are you going to implement this on the actual website itself, or are you just going to redirect futures to a separate website when the click on the ā€œCreateā€ button? (Judging from the current design, it would look like it would fit a separate page, but I would assume that you want to have it all in one website, so I am not entirely sure which one you are going for)

Archive is already a live feature. I personally have used it on some of the games that I do not want anymore in order to get them off my Games list and make it a bit cleaner. If you are referring to something else, then I apologize for the misunderstanding, otherwise, archive is already a feature, not only on places, but on audios as well, and probably other things as well.

Iā€™m noticing this Archive Button, how do I archive things?

Archive has been a feature for a while now. From what I remember:

You go to studio and hover over on any game.


Then click the three dots at the top right of the game.


Then click ā€œArchiveā€ and thatā€™s how you archive stuff.

Can someone tell me if you can do it in a different way?


almost useless you cant even fully interact with things, like you canā€™t manage anything just brings you to the old place

Very nice design. It would be nice if the main website followed the same theme or vice versa.


I know I made some requests in my last post, but I wanted to make a new one with new requests.

I would like to have a search bar to find games/assets, and add to the quick access side bar, the Developer Exchange page (DevEx) page, a way to the API site, and also Roblox Help.

Maybe in a different area/areas, yaā€™ll could include a link to the develop page.

Thatā€™s all, great update, will be using!

(Edit): And maybe on the the develop page there could be a link to the create page.


Ok I have a one question, Will Roblox be removing the library or will it be moved to another side tab?

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and will there be a shortcut to edit games like the old one?

It does look fantastic! But you canā€™t really do anything and it doesnā€˜t show my group-games