Creations Page Public Beta šŸ¤­



The new Creations page is finally here!!! :shushing_face::face_with_hand_over_mouth:

In case you want to check it out, you should definitely visit :sunglasses:

This will be the replacement for the Create page ( in the long term, but we are working on adding more functionality before we start directing traffic to the new page :vertical_traffic_light:

At the moment, clicking on an item in the new Creations page will take you to the Details page for that item on In the future, clicking on an item will give you an overview and allow you to manage the item directly within the Creator Dashboard :scroll: (more details on this to come later :eyes:)

The differences we have in the new page (besides faster loading times, dynamic page sizes, DARK THEME, mobile support, and a whole new grid-based UI) are

  • Support for UGC items :tophat::billed_cap::womans_hat::ribbon::school_satchel:
  • Images as an asset type :national_park::sunrise::sunrise_over_mountains:
  • Shortcuts (right click on desktop, long press on mobile) to copy URL / Universe ID / Starting Place ID / Asset ID / Asset URI to clipboard :dancing_men:
  • Sorting and Show Archived for Universes :wastebasket:

Hereā€™s a few screenshots, but thereā€™s no substitute for seeing for yourself :tipping_hand_woman:

Main View - Sorting (Mobile)
Configure Group Creations (Mobile)


Weā€™ve still got a lot of work to do :triumph: But let us know if we are on the right track, or what else youā€™d like to see on this landing page :cactus: Special thanks to @goldzun and @Seranok for product direction, and @genbao12 for the beautiful designs.


Wow! This is amazing! Thank you very much @BitwiseAndrea and the rest of the team. This is going to be great for us developers.

Edit: Here is the one issue Iā€™ve noticed. Is it intended that the look is a bit grainy, almost like a screenshot? Here it is:

I think it might have to do with the gradient being not so high quality. Other than that, it is visually pleasing, and it finally supports dark mode. My self and my eyes give a big thanks! :sunglasses:


This is awsome and helpful for lots of us. Thank you for making these great updates!

I love the new UI style and the dark mode :heart:. It makes using roblox a lot more pleasurable.


A much needed update, my eyes thank you.

Also, would it also include the library page or that would be removed?


Coolio! This is somewhat beneficial and helpful for us developers on the Roblox platform, great that weā€™re having this improvement on the platform! :rainbow:

By the way, what will happen to the Create page as most developers will transfer to this one and not to the library or create page as well? Will this be removed and replaced with this in the future or in a couple of weeks?

EDIT: Made a topic about some feature that was lacking for this: Add a Search System to the Creations Page


Love this update! This is great, but will there be a search bar to quickly find what game I want? Could we have more filters?

Created, and Order arenā€™t really sufficient- and default icons are a big downside. I donā€™t add icons to many of my places, and they used to show an image of where your camera last was.

Please, please add a search bar. When my dashboard looks like this:

It will be hard finding the game I want to edit. I canā€™t use control + f as the games are on separate pages. I could do this one the old create page, since I could scroll all the way down.

Itā€™s a nice update, though- love the new image asset type.

For reference, here is what my dashboard looks like in create:

Separate topic here.

So much easier to see my places. Trust me, visuals really help. As a synopsis:



This is nice honestly but iā€™m not into it. If itā€™s helpful for other developers then thatā€™s nice!


Amazing, the dark mode already sold me.

Iā€™m glad that everything looks more smoother and does not look like it was stuck in 2012. Iā€™m excited!


Is it out now? I canā€™t see it on any of my accounts. Even my Beta Testing account.


This is awesome, a suggestion:
Add ā€œLast updatedā€ sort for listing creations, this will be helpful since your recently worked on games will show first


I would love to see a search bar as it is one of the major things the current develop page lacks. Other than that, I am very excited to see the creations page continue to improve and receive further functionality!


Will we be able to upload Decals/Audio from this page when it is complete? Or is that going to become Studio-only?


This seems way better than! Easier too. Will there be a search for your games? A search bar would be nice so we donā€™t have to go searching through all our games to find one!

Nicely done on this update.


Been looking forward for this public release ever since I started stalking the Creator Dashboardā€™s progress in September/August, good job.
Excited to see the new features coming to it in the future, like game statistics.


This took way longer than it should have. I hope the money page gets remade soon. I believe it is the only one left with the legacy UI.


Very cool but please donā€™t forget about power users (these are often your top devs)! So far this doesnā€™t feel like it will impact my workflow much and is more of a reskin - with somewhat reduced functionality due to icons!

What we really need is a search. Showing the default-icons also makes it harder to find your place than the current develop page.

Iā€™ve been on Roblox for over 10 years and have 100 places. This is not a good experience to navigate and itā€™s still easier to go to the gameā€™s individual page and click ā€œEditā€.

The current Develop tab will display proper icon previews making it easier to see what each game is:

Edit: The same applies to groups! I am in 100 groups with similar names, and having no search makes it impossible to use the Develop page conveniently. The new dropdown (as seen in this screenshot) does not support HTML jumping, which the previous page did. This allowed you to somewhat search - which is no longer possible on this custom dropdown menu.

tl;dr the reskin looks awesome but until a proper Search feature is implemented, the page will remain unusable for power users. I would be happy to provide additional feedback!


Wow, this update looks really good, especially since it supports the mobile app.

Thank you Roblox for these past amazing updates :smile:


Any way to be able to choose the theme?

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Really good suggestion! Should get added.

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