Is there a possibility that in the future, creators can upload custom gears to the catalog for unique profile effects?
Is there a possibility that in the future, creators can upload custom gears to the catalog for unique profile effects?
Will there be any updates to the Creator Dashboard? If so, what are the upcoming one’s we should know about?
I really like all of the work thats happened over the years regarding the analytics of experiences. There is a lot of really powerful stuff that has been added but for Developers working on a game in a team create, this (and other game settings) are restricted to solely the game owner, making it impossible to view this information.
I work on a game that cannot be moved to a group and hence me (and everyone else) cannot view the analytics for our game. Is there any plans to fix the permissions for teamcreate games to allow added developers to view critical analytics data for their games?
Hello, I’d like to ask you a question that I always ask when I get the chance! What are the next plans and progress in launching a Roblox server in Brazil?
During October and November, we occasionally came across some Brazilian servers in games, which improved our ping a lot, but we assume that this is a testing phase, not least because the server was never found again.
Will the new studio redesign shown at RDC allow users to customise their layout and spacing between each icon/tab?
First step in a new era of creation where developers have direct access to meshes and textures in Lua (Live in Studio), and coming to in-experience.
Can we get support for allowing editablemesh and editableimages to be created from player avatar meshes at runtime? Currently, this is not allowed / restricted because a player’s avatar meshes are not owned or created by the experience they are in. This makes it impossible to implement mechanics that make use of an avatar’s geometry & textures at runtime. Some examples include applying visual effects to a player’s clothing & body (like being wet from rain / swimming or burned from lava), creating realistic snow footprints, setting an avatar’s textures to be greyscale, etc. While these are visual polishes, they add a lot of depth to games and it would be great if we could implement them using the editablemesh & editableimage APIs!
I would also like to see MeshPart CSG work with player avatar meshes as well for similar usecases!
Recently around the start of 2025 there have been a lot of transparent or see through ugc items, are there any plans to add more effects that creators can add to their items? Would love to see what could be added if any
Second and final question:
Can we expect better overall exploit prevention tools? Over 2024 we have seen a massive return of exploiters/bots on the platform (December hit a new record), so much so that Roblox had to make a whole second topic addressing them. We still have very little tooling to properly deal with them. None of them are really getting banned either.
So many AMA questions (in addition to mine) about server authority shows that people are looking forward to finally being able to better secure their games. Can we expect Roblox to do a better job handling exploits this year compared to last, and what kind of additional tools might we be getting to handle them?
Does Roblox have any plans to add a proper 2D engine with tilemap, sprite, and parallax support?
When will repositioning be added for neck items, back items, waist items, etc?
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Roblox’s recent graphics (in places like the Newsroom blog) when displaying newer features like Party and Parental Controls use a much cleaner looking Roblox app UI, with updated branding colours to better match other sites like the new Studio startup page and the Creator Hub.
When will we be seeing those changes come to the actual app and website? They look great in my opinion and would love to see it in the real thing.
When can we expect an update to UI?
I remember seeing a few years about about UI performance improvements. Aside from that, there are still issues such as simple rotation breaking things. We also can’t invert images (which would be done by using negative size values perhaps). Furthermore, it would be great to have to have more UI pre-made UI elements, but especially for mobile. I’d also love if decals could support different sampling methods such as pixel, that way small textures can render as intended and not be blurry mush. Just some examples.
Will new avatar features (accessory fitting, publishing complete avatars, etc.) be coming to desktop web, or is the future plan to entirely move avatar customization to the mobile/UWP app?
Hello. It seems that you guys are converting every single limited item to the “2.0” system. I was wondering if you plan on making the owners list/history for those items public, just like “1.0” limiteds are. Roblox takes the subject of “Stolen Items” very seriously, and viewing the owner history was the only way we had to tell if an item was stolen.
Are there any plans to introduce new tools for animations?
Hello Nick and Greg! I have a Roblox news account on a social media, and I constantly see people asking me about news regarding the chat for consoles.
Is there any information you can share with us about this, especially a more concrete date, since the creator roadmap says “early 2025”?
With the friends expansion, will we also see the return of “best friends” or atleast some sort of option that allows us to control who can invite us to team create from our friends list?
Aside from Community Avatars / Avatar Merchandising, are there any plans for marketplace creators to sell multiple UGC items in bundles without the need of an avatar body?