Creator AMA (RDC 2024) with Nick and Tian [September 19, 2024]

Hey there, is there any plan to add a new API for planar/screen space reflection or proper cubemap reflections? The current one we have for indoor environment mapping is very outdated and visually looks very inaccurate.


Last q&a, you guys said PBR was coming soon for UGC accessories. It’s been a while and we still haven’t received any updates. Is there any timeline for that?


What plans are there to increase user privacy over the next year? At RDC, a Streamer Mode was teased for Star Creators, and while it’s a great first step, I’d love to see this mindset applied across the entire platform. The amount of harassment I’ve gotten for having a little blue Verified icon next to my username is ridiculous.


Hey Nick and Tian!

Now that Roblox seems to be giving more to paid access games, will we ever be allowed to advertise paid games via sponsorships? I’d love to work on more involved projects but having to purely advertise on off-site platforms (twitter, tiktok, etc.) tends to be a hit and miss if we have to purely rely on 3rd party algorithms and people remembering that the game exists.


Will the 3D Foundational Model be able to generate individual assets by itself?

From the demo it looks like it kitbashes already created assets to create a whole environment + editing certain properties.

I’m just confused if it can create those assets by itself. Rather than only doing world-building with them.


As a reminder, we are only answering questions related to what we announced at RDC this year. You can check out the DevForum, our documentation, or Creator Roadmap for other topics.

Additionally, please remember to keep your questions brief and ask one question per comment.


I still don’t get why youtubers get access to those updates but developers don’t…


Are there plans for the future, to improve the lightning system? Perhaps after android gets future is bright update, could we expect to see higher quality shadows appear on desktop devices?

Roblox’s 2010-2012 shadows had a better resolution compared to what we have today, once properly optimized, could we expect to see higher resolution shadows come to roblox engine?

We already got high quality shadows for the dynamic lightning but not the sunlight-shadows


Can we see Deadly Dark Dominus become limited


With the ability to make Roblox-based shorts and posts on Roblox coming soon, could we see a feed section for these shorts and posts made by all users? Basically, like a social media section?


how about groups are there plans to let users only get acces to one experience trough a creatorhub role and will there a option for the roles to be visible in the group

ai sumary if you dont understant my reply
Will there be plans to allow users to access only a specific experience through a Creator Hub role? Additionally, will there be an option to make these roles visible within the group?

this my only custion i could ask cuz its 10pm now by me


Hi everyone! I have a question regarding the new feature about paid access games for real currency. Since the sunsetting of user ads, there’s currently no way to advertise ANY paid access experience. This has been a major setback for my team and me, as we’ve been working full-time on a paid access experience for 3 years. I want to ask if paid access games for real currency will be allowed to be advertised on Roblox, and hopefully, games using Robux can be advertised as well. I’m really looking forward to this because, at the moment, it’s very difficult to launch a paid access project.


Are there plans, aside from the new improved revenue split and USD pricing, to make paid access experiences more sensible/worthwhile for developers?

For example: lowering the minimum from 9.99 USD, regional pricing, not disabling engagement based payouts etc.


Hey, thanks so much for doing another AMA.

Back in May I asked about the possibility of more transparency between UGC staff → creators, and opening up a ‘top’ UGC creator server where we can forward issues, set up office hours, etc.

UGC is currently extremely volatile and once again we have an even worse lack of communication from staff. Has there been any developments on the UGC teams end in fixing this connection since we last spoke?


Later this year, we’ll ship custom analytics events and detailed analytics for avatar items .

Can you share more details about the timeline for detailed analytics for avatar items; will this solve the current limitations of avatar analytics such as only showing the top few items and only being able to filter a date range of up to a year?


This question here is not directly related to what was IN RDC, but I noticed that in the RDC Summary post there was a Table of Content that looked like this one:

The Question

And I was wondering whether this was made manually or not, because I liked the concept and make it a thing so that anyone can generate one through Markdown here.

But seen that there was a Table of Content, I was wondering if this Plugin could be added to the Forum one day.


Last year’s RDC had a major portion dedicated to security, outlining the alt-detection and punishments system. Sadly, this year’s RDC had less of a security focus. Top competitive games on the platform still have to ban over 2000 cheaters every single day. When these games grow popular, the developers wind up having to switch their focus away from developing cool new features and instead towards endless anti-cheat battles to keep players happy. Could you elaborate on the future plans for assisting developers in combatting exploiters and helping ensure competitive games have a place on this platform?


Hello Nick and Tian! Hopefully, this time my question may get answered lol.

Anyway, this time I would like to ask the same question as my previous one, which is about CoreGui.

Recently, we got an update on the Experience Controls which updates its look and function, but we still aren’t able to disable it completely or have it automatically disabled. As someone who cares about how much control I have over the UI, this concerns me.

(I made a post about this too.)

Will we ever have broader control over CoreGui? Right now for some reason, I feel like we’re being limited in many important areas, and we still don’t have the level of control that we should have already. Some areas of CoreGui like TextChatService allow for a great number of configuration options and have a great API that we can use to seamlessly integrate our systems with this part of it. And yet, we still don’t have the same thing for other areas, such as the Experience Controls and the Roblox Menu. I just want to ask again: Will we ever have more options to customize CoreGui in a way that does not create security issues?


At the end of the Creator Keynote on day 1 of RDC, progress in the area of Modesty Layers & 2D Clothing for UGC avatar bundles was briefly mentioned.

Can we get some insight of how Roblox is planning to improve the interaction between 2D Clothing and Modesty Layers on bundles, and what timelines for any update on these would be?


Are there any plans for the next gen UI to let us be able to add custom icons and layouts to the studio UI or a toggle to be able to use the current UI insted of the next gen?