Creator Dashboard - Ability to play audio in development items without needing to open a new tab

As a Roblox developer, it is currently not possible to play audio through the development items page without opening it separately in a new tab.

You currently need to play the audio by doing these steps:
Step 1: Click on the 3 dots
Step 2: Open Asset Details (Opens a new tab)
Step 3: Play the audio

The current way is annoying and slows down your development progress because:

  • It’s 3 steps to just listen to the audio and opens a new tab
  • If you miss click on the 3 dots, it will open the configuration page of that audio page. Meaning, you first need to return and to the page.


  • Add a play button in the audio page for each audio
    This way we can quickly listen to what the audio sounds again like without needing to do extra steps

Preview of how it could look like:

If Roblox is able to address this issue, it would improve the audio page greatly.