We will see what 2025 has in store for us.
Editable meshes are not replicating to the client. Collisions works correctly but faces are not visible.
It’s actually already in the engine but just not usable by developers. You can see it used in some of Roblox’s internal locomotion test places, and the animations are under the AvLab group.
2024 was quite a roller coaster, especially for me. The new updates and fixes, they are always being added and I hope Roblox can get better in the upcoming year! Hope players get to engage in better and creative experiences!
Oh yeah, New and Updated experience templates was one of my favorites!
Is there a specific release date for text chat coming to console now that we’re heading into early 2025? I hope they delay it by a bit more.
why did u all like my post its not something crazy i said
All of this looks wonderful! Last years achievements were great, and I am still glad they are thinking about the CGS thing still. Although I have been wondering… A little while back they mentioned they were working on bringing higher quality texture support to the game… in which they would no longer downscale anything 8k and below… is that still happening? That news was the best news ever to me, and I am still hoping it will get put in soon
Why would you want them to delay it?
bro because i have a game solely for this purpose and i thought it was a really good idea and im close to finishing it, but now because of this deadline im gonna have to rush it. i get its kinda my fault but still i wish they would extend it to atleast mid/late 2025.
You have a game based on what purpose? And how would it ruin your game? This is kinda a selfish opinion considering that console players has been wanting this feature for years, and this feature would benefit and approve the overall experience on console.
well hopefully they can wait one more year. also its just what i would want i get they’d probably want it to come out as soon as possible
It would be cool to be able to have motion blur added to experiences in 2025.
I wanna know more about server authority
when are they gonna let you download a specific version of your place without having to resort to using apis or a plugin
For the most part it is.
Some features are simply not added because of this exact reason.
You obviously can’t ship a feature, make it exclusive to platform A, but not ship it to platform B, then suddenly you have a issue that many games started using the feature extensively where it becomes a gameplay aspect, effectively making important gameplay aspects broken or disabled on platform B. Then there’s the issue which staff previously mentioned, that, they can’t really “un-ship” a feature after it’s release. So in general this is a large reason we are so limited. So they can’t just ship features for specific target platforms and then maybe later ship it for all.
(YES, I know occlusion culling is an exemption here, but occlusion culling isn’t a gameplay feature. It’s a optimisation feature that wouldn’t cause games to suddenly break on different platforms.)
Some features don’t have this issue but still are not added. Either this is due to Roblox already having a lengthy list of features to work on, or due to them not seeing the possible potential/usage of the feature.
However it’s always great to suggest new features. The best way I have managed to request features is by talking to an engineer directly. As I have met one on RDC and I frequently show him some suggestions or examples of features I really think would benefit the platform using direct messages.
Just because your feature seems like it isn’t used by many users, it’s always great to have because you are almost never the first or last person to require said feature!
Please add shaders, we all have waited for far too long for basic opengl support, even of it is horrible in performance it would certainly be better than our current methods, and allowing us to utilize the gpu would be insane and would let all of us devs make better games.
Still waiting for the lighting range cap to be removed
Add ingame group join prompt! We’ve been asking this since 2014!