Creator Roadmap - AMA with Dan and Manuel [Jan 24, 2024]

Any ETA of a PerAxis for AlignOrientation? (So we don’t need to rely on legacy body movers like BodyGyro or make our own)


Be the Dev forum updated to the new version from discourse

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Great question. We would love for everyone to be able to access our powerful APIs, both Open Cloud and otherwise, without proxies as well. For the former, we’re actively working out a design to make Open Cloud APIs available in-experience. Lots of great functionality has been added to Open Cloud, and we know there’s great potential for these APIs in-experience.

Quality and stability are important to us so stay tuned on an update on timing later this year. Accessing other Roblox services without proxies is further out. Stay tuned for more updates on the Creator Roadmap.


Regarding Asset Privacy and Permissions, will there be a grace period for us to migrate from assets the may be made private? It seems like a issue if someone decides to make their asset private while it’s in use.

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How does the moderation look for the future? We cannot have these features, if the moderation doesn’t improve and users keep on getting terminations, bans, warnings, etc. When can Roblox be transparent about these issues and not cover them up like it’s nothing?

I’m more then happy to get some people gathered up and talk about it in a call or text if y’all need us too. I’ve communicated this with Open Cloud team, and we’ve been waiting.


We’re diligently working on the beta release of our new Audio API which should be out in the next month or so. It includes highly anticipated controls over sound and voice that were previewed at RDC. You can access all the use cases you mentioned including exercising more control over spatial simulation of voice, modifying voice, walkie-talkies, push-to-talk, and more!


Are there any plans to add screen space reflections?


I would appreciate the ability to disable FallenPartsDestroyHeight and, instead, implement a feature where a connection listens for when a part is below the set height. For instance, if a player falls below the map, make a custom system that would automatically teleport them back to their last position with solid ground beneath


Nintendo Switch or Switch 2 plans? Please try not to answer too evasively. Surly there is some way to phrase your answer to indicate the direction things are heading? Thank you!


Well, it’s just a marketing opportunity that is missed, But I am unsure if our voice will be heard for the unanswered question between December 2022, and July 2023 about Roblox brand Limited it will have less speculation about the Roblox and in real life economy ethically.

Questions again: Will Roblox Brand Limiteds, Drops, Offsale-classics, and Sponsored Items go Limited in 2024, and the return of the positive, safer, and healthier (safety and Civility), and High-Quality Marketing practices that used to be on Roblox? (UGC Limiteds does not fall under this category, talking about a marketing structure that encouraged people to buy Products with certainty and without deletion since the last time it was seen since the pufferfish and Dec 2022)


Roblox has mentioned building a “community events” page in the past. I actually believe it was Manuel who I spoke to about it last year. I’m fairly certain that this feature is “live” per say and that it’s already rolled out.

However there is 0 mention of a community events page on the website or app. There’s no tabs for it, no banners, nothing on the side bar, etc. I also haven’t seen Roblox reference it or anyone talk about it since way before RDC.

Are there any plans to further build this out and make it more known to developers and players? I’d love to see community events become a pillar of Roblox again, but without visibility and support on this feature it’s going to be hard for that to happen.


you mean


Hey, personally i have a question about future engine expansions (and older expansions as well) in regards of offering developers the properties and apis said new expansions use. We’ve been getting quite a few engine related updates in recent time (great thing) though i have an issue with the fact that all of these engine updates do little to open up new development possibilities due to the fact that most properties, api’s and whatever else are hidden behind some sort of black box developers could never wish to access. In fact even exploiters have more access to these things than developers do.
Not only these features are gatekept away from developers but are also often baked within a layer of arbitrary limitations with the excuse that its to help with performance on lower end/weaker devices while never giving the developer the possibility of actually fine-tuning these hidden properties so that these things fit the developers experience more closely (in terms of quality AND performance). Rather we mostly get you guys (or in general just other engineers) telling us how THEY get to set how these things perform and not US.

Like for example i would love to play around with some more in-depth properties of the bloom effect. I feel like in some scenarios i could potentially change the resolution effects like bloom, ambient occlusion, depth of field and whatever else that’s based around the viewports resolution to more properly fit my scenes without these effects running at either unreasonably high resolutions and quality levels or unreasonably low resolutions and quality levels. Even for the player’s viewport itself. I would LOVE a resolution percentage/slider/multiplier in order to increase/decrease the resolution of the 3D world only or the 2D UI scene only.
It would be AMAZING if we had the entire package of whatever these engine expansions offer rather than some few (sometimes nothing like with the indoor environment maps reflection update) small properties. And with this, is this unreasonable to ask for? It’s not really asking entirely new features, its just asking for whatever is already there to be made available to developers. Would there be any chance of developers to get access to these hidden properties any time soon? Quite a few of them could potentially be a GAME CHANGER if we even had access to them, i just wish you guys didn’t need/feel obligated to impose your own arbitrary performance metrics onto every one of us.

Like for example i believe there would be major scandals if big entities like unity or epic games came down with some new random update on their game engines only to tell developers that they cant modify nor even access some new feature due to performance concerns over lower end devices or some other reason.


Will you answer marketplace questions


I think there’s a bug where we can’t see your replies to marketplace questions, will this be resolved?


Will some of the read-only functions for EditiableMeshes, such as :GetVertices(), :GetTriangles(), :GetUV(), etc, be available for MeshParts?


This has been addressed numerous times, yet nothing happens. When will we be able to actually hide creations under the Creations tab on or profiles? Even with inventory off, it still shows the last 6 uploaded models.


Is it possible to edit audio like it said a text trough tts to said a voice whatever you want


We need a method to disable snapping for UI elements. This seems like a straightforward feature to implement and would significantly enhance the working experience, especially for those extensively working with UI. The current solution of ‘setting the position and size through the property window’ becomes exhausting when dealing with a large amount of UI.

Similarly, the newly introduced feature of snapping to parts in the workspace also should have the ability to be disabled for certain cases.


Will roblox reply to these questions to do with the marketplace or
will they ignore them.

Q : what happened to roblox making offsale items limited ?
The current roblox economy is extremely dead.