Creator Roadmap - AMA with Dan and Manuel [Jan 24, 2024]

Thanks for the questions! We ask to please keep it to one question per message to allow us to answer as many people as we can.


In your previous communication, it was stated that user-generated content (UGC) accessories would be open for public uploads by early 2024. As we have entered this timeframe, I would like to inquire about the measures Roblox intends to implement to address the challenges of counterfeit and inappropriate items in the catalog, particularly in light of the multitude of counterfeit and inappropriate accessories during the current private UGC access period?


Hello, I want to ask if the upcoming code assist feature will be really helpful for everyone? Pls leak some info about that. Thx!


With the beta release of EditableImages / EditableMeshes, it was mentioned that some form of asset privacy will be implemented to both APIs, with an example given of UGC avatar-accessories as non-editable. Is there a reason why assets (which are loadable in-experience) are not going to be editable regardless of whether I have the intent on publishing or not. I really just want to make some cool effects on player avatars (and not publish such effects), but this upcoming restriction is giving me fear that it may not be possible soon.


I am very curious about the future of ads and sponsors on the platform, specially how Roblox plans to dive deeper into finding better ways for developers to advertise/promote their games and assets like UGC.

Should we be expecting something big regarding this?


Hi! Thanks for doing another AMA.

Primary question:

What is Roblox planning to do about clones of limited items that are constantly uploaded to the catalog? UGC hasn’t even been opened to the public yet, and we’re already seeing 1:1 dominus clones, bighead clones, valk clones, etc uploaded to the catalog daily. Moderation is often slow to respond to these clones, if at all. A lot of clones can easily be found at and [UPD] Limited Item Copies Finder - Roblox. Another example would be Real Biggest Head Ever Yellow - Roblox, a 1:1 copy of Roblox’s “bighead”. This has been an ongoing issue for many (6+) months with no sign of improvement.

Extra questions:
  • Is Roblox re-considering its “everything in the catalog will be a limited” policy? A lot of UGC creators I know have issues with the policy, and have raised issues with the current revenue share that this policy would make even worse (UGC creators currently make 9 cents on the dollar, the head of economy blatantly told @WhoseTrade “I don’t believe you” when this was pointed out at RDC). The policy will not only take more revenue out of the hands of UGC creators, but it will also make it very hard as a game creator to grant UGC as a game reward (e.g. player beats a really hard dungeon, and gets a limited-time hat). A post was made about the problems with UGC revenue in late 2022, but Roblox never acknowledged it : UGC : Creator cut is too small & needs to be increased. 70+% taken by Roblox is problematic & disrespectful to the community

  • When will UGC body size limits be raised? Currently, a lot of bodies that Roblox created exceed the UGC size limits, which is not only unfair, but it severely limits what types of bodies we can make (e.g. making a dragon is very difficult if not imposible). I made a post on this, but it was never acknowledged. Roblox did increase the sizes a bit, but it wasn’t enough : UGC Bodies : Current size limits are needlessly restrictive and make existing Roblox-created bodies impossible

  • When will PBR for avatar accessories be coming? Currently, Roblox’s own avatar bodies have accessories with PBR, such as the galloping gecko (Galloping Gecko - Roblox). If I as a UGC creator want to upload a body with PBR that includes a tail, that tail cannot have PBR even though Roblox does this.

  • When are layered clothing shoes opening to UGC? It’s been over a year since the release of layerd clothing, and shoes are still not able to be created.

A response is appreciated!


Is there a possibility of compute shaders coming to Roblox sometime in the future.


Are there any plans regarding the algorithm of the Avatar Shop? The updated Terms of Service states that classic clothes will be sorted based on popularity. However, the current search results shows the same random clothes for everyone when searching for “red top” for instance. It only displays the clothes with the exact same name regardless of relevancy or popularity.


Will voice chat ever be expanded beyond just 50 player servers? This could open up a lot of cool possibilities for communication based experiences at 100 or even 200 player servers.


Are there any upcoming plans regarding the UGC Avatar Marketplace that you’re excited to share?


Currently the UGC limited profit share is completely unreasonable and unbalanced. There is no reason to make limiteds due to the expected profit loss, yet Roblox keep pushing it and promoting the feature.

Will we expect to see a more fair and equal profit share for UGC limiteds in the future?


A Roblox Admin stated back in January of 2023 that there was a plan to release a callback loop synced with Physics rate, akin to Unity’s FixedUpdate method. The need for this is immense for numerous uses, one such being raycasting vehicles which my team has been trying to implement for a while but can’t because of this limitation. Can we expect to see an update on this anytime soon?


Thanks for the questions! We ask to please keep it to one question per message to allow us to answer as many people as we can.


Under Reporting & Appeals it says that in the future we will be able to manage our reports. Does this mean we will have more insight on our reports such as the status of our report (accepted, rejected, pending) and maybe a reason incase our report gets rejected?


Can we ever edit the core ui like background colour image colour transperancy and ui corner or maybe edit the intire core ui or disable things so we more free to make our game how we like since close and arow back are go to the home page and way we can’t disable or edit it


Is more control over instance replication (like being able to replicate an instance to a specific player) planned or noted? I would really like more control over replication, especially due to the fact that StarterGui and ReplicatedStorage are incredibly inefficient to use for storage due to how they replicate. It’d be very nice to have more control over what instances replicate to who, because it’d mean that I don’t have to use hacks like parenting things into PlayerGui just to save memory on the server.


Regarding: New UIListLayout Flex Features [Beta]

The roadmap says this is now live but it appears to still be in beta (only works in studio.) Are there any updates as to when this will be fully released?


Will developers ever be able to use OpenCloudService in games? if so is there any eta on when this will happen, and will we be able to access the entirety of open cloud?

As it would be nice to nolonger have to use proxies for interacting with roblox apis.


With recent platform expansions (playstation, vr), are there no plans to support Roblox on Linux/Steamdeck?


Hey there!

As we all know there has been alot involved about the UGC Marketplace lately, but I’ve got a little question. We all know that in the layered clothing category of the UGC Marketplace there’s a section for shoes, but as of right now UGC creators cannot upload their shoe items in there only Roblox can/does. I was wondering if there’s a reason for why its like that? Many UGC creators are putting their shoe items in the pants category. Any chance you could let us know when we’ll be able to upload our shoe items in the actual shoes section?
