With improved analytics, we want to give our community more transparency on how users are flowing into their experiences. In addition, through benchmarks, creators can see how their experiences are performing in key areas like engagement and retention. Different experiences may reach or resonate with different audiences, and the goal of our recommendation engine is to match users with experiences they will like, resulting in long-term engagement. This is an iterative process and we will continually improve the algorithm to achieve these goals.
As a creator, the most important thing you can do is to focus on improving the engagement and retention of your experience. We have resources available to the community like our Game Design section on our Documentation site that touch on these topics. In the coming months, we’ll be introducing ‘insights’ in our analytics to alert you to key opportunities to improve your experiences and direct you to specific advice.
I disagree with that perspective, why should I have to make a game and sell my items in there to reap the benefits of that 40% distribution some creators might not have the facilities to create a game like that and therefore would be missing out on a huge chunk of revenue. I think this is something that should be given to us when users purchase FROM the catalog, if OUR items are bought from other peoples games then I understand why in that circumstance we are given 30 and the game recieve 40, thats seems fair to me. But when users purchase solely from the catalog we creators should be given that 70 - 30 split by default.
Why do game creators get a bigger percentage off UGC than the actual creator? Games already can freely monetize themselves with premium members and now the ads and portals that are being added. So why can’t the UGC creator get 40% of revenue while games get 30%? It just feels a little unfair to us that others are making more money off our hard work than we are.
Hello Dan and Manuel!
I have some questions that i would like to share with you.
1 - As stated on a recent devforum post, you no “longer plan to publish roblox-made limiteds on a regular basis.” , but what would this “regular basis” be, considering the 3 years gap from 2019-2022, and the fact that we didn’t get any new limiteds since early this year? I understand that you’re trying to focus more on the “community” side of the things, but i belive it would be interesting if we still had some new roblox-made limiteds from time to time.
2 - Do you have any plans on making a system where developers can sell their marketplace assets for robux? (Instead of just publishing it for free.)
I belive it would be an interesting feature.
3 - Do you plan on making UGC Limiteds tradeable? In my opnion it would increase a lots of demand for them!
4 - Are you still going to make something with Gears and Classic Faces/Heads? These item types never got any new update/features in years, and the last time we got any of them on the catalog was in the mid of last year!
Our goal is to make Roblox available on any relevant device or platform. We believe VR offers great opportunities for immersion and shared experiences. At this time, we don’t have anything to announce but stay tuned!
Our goal is to make Roblox available on any relevant device or platform. Our vision for the Universal Roblox App is to have a seamless and consistent experience on every device that, at the same time, captures the richness and uniqueness of each device. Console is a big area of focus for us and we will continue to improve the experience there.
Are there any plans with audio marketplace? Audio needs to be upgraded.
Well about fonts, is there a plan to add more fonts? Moreover, I am unable to delete a font from an inventory. It doesn’t show me all fonts in the properties, and I cannot search fonts in Studio.
Will anyone be able to upload videos?
Can we expect RTL to be released in 2023?
What is the reason behind Roblox’s 2016 decision to remove the Moderation History? In my opinion, Roblox should bring it back.
Roblox Moderation needs to be improved since I’ve been banned several times for false moderation.
What does the devrel team think about doing an “AMA” once every month to provide more transparency to the community about the changes being made to the platform?
Whats in the pipeline regarding plugin integration, could we see Standalone plugins (and its related APIs) again or were these discontinued in the developer space and only used for Roblox’s own plugins, and, generally, what could we see regarding plugin APIs.
How will asset privacy be expanded moving forward, obviously audio is the elephant here, but how and will this increased to images, animations etc.
Will developers be able to reward their own UGC items in experiences when developers are allowed to create them
The friend activity bar was recently added, and has received a lot of hate/ dislike from the community. Is there any chance that this update will be reverted and the friends playing sort will be added back?
Wouldn’t it make more sense for creators to receive the 40%? and for distribution to get 30%?
Or AT LEAST give it a 35/35 split?
where we make it even more seamless for item creators to design their own stores on the platform
Could you add a button to all of our item listings letting us link to an experience to assist with this? I’d love to promote a personal store more, but links in descriptions don’t work for mobile users (and it’s messy). Having a “shop in experience!” button or something would help us create better shopping experiences for players.
Thank you for conducting this AMA, this level of communication is much appreicated. Roblox still lacks many basic features/tools that other engines have (notable ones listed below), will any of these be supported in the near future?
It’s apparently 31 seconds right now. Quite an annoyance for developers, but it would be harder to moderate the longer you allow us to make our trailers.
It’s awesome to see this sort of interactivity between Roblox and it’s community, keep it up! All the new features and the fast pace of them rolling out is lovely and are making the workflow of Roblox more modern. Working with Roblox Studio is so much nicer than it was a few years ago .
Now onto the questions:
There’s seems to be a bug with the Parent and/or Adornee property of Highlights, if you set them from one instance to another, it can cause the highlight to apply to unintended instances. I thought this would’ve been fixed when the selection improvements released as I’m assuming that uses a Highlight and this issue may have been encountered, but apparently not. Is this a known bug? I’ll try to get some example places setup to show this bug.
The Developer Awards program was slowly rolled back, and has been mentioned to be returning by the lead of the program Gmama with the expectation of an update about it’s state in the coming weeks, however it’s been two months and there’s only silence. Is there any chance some sort of update could be made about what’s going on and why it’s been delayed so much?
And finally, here’s a quick-fire list of broad points I’ve gathered:
Look into allowing variable voxel size for Terrain, voxel sizes smaller than 4x4x4 would allow terrain to blend more easily with maps made with BaseParts.
Add better ways to read information from sounds (and not just on the client), the only current property is PlaybackLoudness which is a unitless scale. Information such as decibels, hertz, BPM, etc, would be much more useful data to work with.
Add a built in function for evaluating a value at a specified time in a ColorSequence and NumberSequence, using a custom function is cumbersome and slow.
Maybe add math.lerp(a, b, x) for convenience sake. The :Lerp() function already exists for many data types, but having math.lerp would also allow individual numbers to be lerped too without having to make a custom function with the equation (a + (b - a) * x) each time.
Remove ‘Restart Studio’ prompt for changing studio settings that don’t require a restart.
Allow FaceControls properties to be editable by scripts to allow procedural animation of faces (not just pre-made animations).
Make variants for accessories so re-skins can be bundled together rather than being displayed as individual accessories in the Avatar Store. This should help reduce clutter and discounts could be applied if a user purchases the entire bundle rather than just the base accessory.
Add permission ‘View group funds’ to groups to allow members with certain roles to see group without needing to give spending permission or make them public to everyone.
Make characters move along with BaseParts affected by AlignPosition, if they are standing on them (Works with legacy BodyPosition).