Creator Store: Buy and Sell Plug-Ins with Real-World Currency

Awful. How are people from countries that aren’t allowed to use Stripe going to sell plugins?


Guys, just use gampasses now
I’m making a tutorial soon on how to make it work great with gamepasses, to make sure the user owns it. If roblox wants us to do it the other way, we’ll do it the other way

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Roblox always making crap updates, why the hell do you have to be above the age of 18 to sell plugins when you don’t even have to be 18 to devex…


With the way the DevEx rates are what they are right now. It would take some people a long time just to be able to DevEx and get back what the spent on a plugin. Plus with like 3ds max there is free alternatives like Blender thats free, most plaugins do not have a free alternatives. Then again some of the plugins are not at all worth spending USD. Maybe if Roblox let plugins modify the Studio UIs, and have the ability to do more it would be worth spending USD on one. Its just a thought though.

because the audience of the plugin marketplace is toxic and threatens creators to have their prices abysmally low. I’m talking like 5 - 100 robux, which isnt even a dollar in DevEx terms.

audience needs a rude awakening on how pricing actually works and they need to stop being toxic against plugin developers, with the new USD and price floor they are forced by roblox to deal with it.


Lol :rofl::rofl:
So apparently I can’t sell for robux anymore, yet Stripe doesn’t support my bank itself! Guess I will not even get the meager earnings I was already getting. Truly thank you roblox. For catering to a very widespread problem.


No. You cannot just “remove” tax, that is not how economies work. Sure it would be awesome to not pay any tax but that is not a realistic solution and you and I both know that.

The current market evidence shows this is not true. Just for comparison of how false that is, if a plugin is sold at 100 (which is on high end for a Roblox plugin), it will take 4x as many sales for the creator to make a dollar vs. the new method. And 1 dollar is far too litte. If the plugin is at 5 dollars, which is quite reasonable, the creator would need to sell 20x the amount in Robux to make the same amount as 1 USD sale. That’s not fair.

It’s not as simple as good/bad. There are pluses and minuses to everything. There are also reasons that this is happening. The old system did not work. Plugin developers were not paid fairly, low quality plugins were abundant, and the system was not friendly to new developers coming from outside of Roblox. A change had to be made, and ultimately this is what Roblox decided to do.

That is what many plugin developers were forced to do.

Since you wanted me to quote the entire thing, here you go. You can still make all types of games without plugins. Yes, plugins save time. Yes, they make things easier. That does not mean you cannot make all types of games. If these plugins save you this much time or are this essential to your process, you should be more than willing to pay for them. The developers spent time working on it, and should be paid fairly.

This is not a “strictness” issue. This is a security issue for many companies. Not every studio on Roblox is a professional company and I understand that, but even outside the realm of Roblox, it is not uncommon for companies to create their own internal tools based on other libraries or software to prevent them relying on a tool that is external.

I had a similar perspective as I took my first college Computer Science class, that it was silly to not be able to use libraries or tools that make it easier, but I understand why they did it now. It has made me a better programmer and this applies to fields outside of programming as well. I still use tools and libraries, but I also know how to create stuff without it, and not rely on them solely. And again, if it is that essential to your development process, then I don’t understand the problem with paying for it. It’s clearly valuable.

Why cant we just have a few normal updates that don’t make the platform worse. The thought process isn’t bad, but really not being able to have ROBUX as an option??? Oh yea that’s right you are a company and you will screw over your own Devs for your benefit. Not to mention the ridiculous amount of personal information you have to enter just to sell a plugin for money now… Really?? Every day I reconsider weather or not ROBLOX is the platform for me.


I agree, why did roblox remove the ability for so many developers to be fairly compensated?! With a high price floor and elimination of robux options, many developers can no longer get a fair price for their work and simultaneously had their market entirely eliminated! It’s an outrageous move

I think there would be significantly fewer complaints if they had left in the robux option. Big developers with fancy plugins could ignore it just fine, while people making small things that don’t want to work for free but don’t think it’s worth a whole lot could be happy too. Now it’s impossible to sell plugins to most young developers even if it’s not anything fancy


Retaining the robux option also solves Creator Store: Buy and Sell Plug-Ins with Real-World Currency - #493 by un1ND3X

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This. Russia was, as of the 2021 statistics, third country in the number of developers on Roblox.

While overall the goal of this update is amazing, it leaves a lot of people empty-handed, like developers based in Russia (Complete inability to buy anything) or Brazil (High prices), as well as the aforementioned young devs, which there are a lot of. Quite unfortunate.
The best solution for both of these problems would be to allow plug-ins to be bought with Robux as well as real money.


You don’t understand how the economy works. Taxes are established by governments to supply them with money to survive. They don’t exist to stop you from engaging in commerce. You’re thinking of government taxes not corporate taxes. Taxes established by governments and by companies differ in purpose. Roblox taxes exist to reduce the amount of robux that you gain and you are able to convert to USD$ for the benefit of the company. The higher the taxes, the more robux you need to charge, the more money people need to give to roblox to get that sum. However, taxes are completely optional, as the currency itself can only be produced by purchasing it from Roblox. Now you can argue that if you reduce taxes then you reduce roblox income. That’s obvious. However, when it comes to plugins, it’s a niche market. Plugins represent maybe a percent or less of total profits roblox makes off of you. I mean, this very update basically removed those taxes by allowing you to sell those plugins for the price you set and get the same amount - minus taxes by your own government.

Did you seriously think I was talking about removing taxes forced by the federal government of the United States? If not, then read above. If yes then no, I didn’t talk about that. And no, those taxes still exist right now with plugins that can be sold by USD$.

Oh my Fauci. I’ve seen this video and I can tell you that you don’t know how to watch informative videos. Do you know who the maker of this video is? This person made plugins that are on the first page of the marketplace. He is part of the biggest plugin developers on the market. All you had to do was check the plugins he was selling in the video and you would see that all of them are on the first page. Here, let me show you:

All of those colors in the video represent the plugins that he sold and that are on the first page of the plugin store as you can see in the picture below. This is the worst example you could have provided someone with. He isn’t a small developer. He’s a big developer. It’s relative to how close you are to the front page. He IS the front page.

You don’t research your own evidence.

100 what? Robux? Sales? Sales per what? Month? What are you talking about. Elaborate.

For you it’s too little while for the consumer it’s too much. Supply and demand. People like you are the reason why the government intervenes in the market and ruins it. Please research the subject you are talking about more.

If the plugin is at 5 dollars then its consumer base which previously bought this plugin for the same price but in Robux is halved at a minimum if not lost by more than 3/4. This is what happened when plugins started being sold by robux. The consumer base at minimum halved and at worst decreased to less than quarter of the original. Then when the sellers increased the plugin prices to thousands, the same thing occurred. Now that it turned into USD$ only, the same thing will occur again. You can only go so far in dwindling down your consumers and exploiting them for as much money as possible before you start losing more money than you gain. It doesn’t matter if it’s fair to you. That’s how the market is dictated by the invisible hand. The rules are simple. Your supply is infinite while the demand is finite. You’re purposefully restricting access to your infinite supply to exploit people and get money from them. The more you exploit from them the less of them are willing to give you that money. It culminates when you reach the perfect point of balance where you earn the most profits possible. If you get too greedy, you go too far and you start losing money. Roblox update got too greedy and now you will start losing money. Definitely so if you’re a small plugin developer - which was my point you tried to tackle.

It really is.

The amount of pluses are overshadowed by minuses here.

Incompetence, mainly. Roblox doesn’t understand its audience. It’s been happening for a long time. There’s a magnitude of evidence for this that I believe you yourself understand and are aware of if you’re not disconnected with the community.

Which is why… people made plugins… sold them… and made more plugins… that’s definitely what ‘not working’ means! It worked just fine. If it didn’t work then there would be no plugins and if there were, then their quality would be rubbish. Of course I’m talking about the most popular ones, obviously there will be garbage no matter what you do. The point is to limit the garbage. Before this update it was just fine.

Where do I begin. Let’s see. Low quality plugins were and still are abundant. This update won’t change it. It doesn’t stop people from making new plugins and doesn’t stop bad ones from entering the market. Those that were rubbish were almost always free anyway and this update still allows free plugins to exist. I don’t think you’re aware of what this update even is. Let me tell you shortly: It’s changing plugins so that you can’t buy them with Robux but USD$ only. It doesn’t change free plugins. You can still publish those with few restrictions. The old system was friendly for hobbyists, young developers who are learning on the platform, etc. Certainly, this system wasn’t friendly towards those that wanted to exploit children and get money from them. The new system is not going to be friendly either because the consumer base is too small for it to be profitable for them to go on their way and make plugins here. We’ll see the first data and first outrages in a matter of weeks. If you’d ask me, I wouldn’t be surprised if the maker of this video actually lost profits because of this update, but I’m placing my money on that it’s only going to get stagnated - so no profits for him, but huge pain for everyone else. And here you are again talking about being paid fairly. What is fair is dictated by the market. The market has spoken, and the fair price for a plugin is based on its popularity and quality. That’s what fair is. Not what you subjectively believe it is and should be enforced.

We’re going back to the first point - taxes.

Read above. If you are willing to unnecessarily waste your time doing something that a plugin would do in an instant, then yes, you can make all types of games. Otherwise, you can’t.

You turned the word ‘fair’ into a buzzword. I’m not even going to respond to it anymore as it doesn’t even change any arguments or the fact that this update is not going to be ‘fair’ to anyone. Especially the consumers and the smallest developers.

Semantics? Ok. For them to enforce their security systems which include stopping developers from using plugins they don’t know anything about, they need to be strict. It’s literally the definition.

Oh no, I understand and agree with you completely on that one. However, we’re talking about Roblox. While I understand that Roblox is different from other communities and other engines, those different engines and communities aren’t the topic of discussion. The topic is this update which affects Roblox. Not unity, not unreal engine, not source lol, nothing like that.

All in all, to reiterate: Fairness in a market is dictated by the market itself and what the accepted prices are. It works based on supply and demand, in which case the supply is infinite but developers artificially restrict access to it for their own monetary benefit. Additionally, the demand is based on the target audience and who buys those products. The group that buys those products is niche within roblox and roblox developer community. Furthermore, this group is mostly composed of those that can’t even afford to spend Robux let alone real-life currency on those virtual kits.

This update ruins this fairness, as it transforms and destroys the current market, making the smallest developers and customers lose the most while the biggest ones lose the least, or even gain. This update is no good.


This will not help anyone , sales are gonna drop fast since most people don’t have that type of money to be dropping on simple plugins.


This is likely the death of plugins for MOST developers, and possibly the start of the downfall Roblox studio or Roblox as a whole. Most developers and young developers don’t have USD readily available in amounts like this. Plug-in sales are gonna drop faster than you can blink and it’s gonna end up hurting developers. Not only that, a lot of us are not willing to pay USD for plugins either, it’s just not worth it for us small developers. Please for the sake of your own developer community add robux as an option. Don’t burn what you have left of this community to the ground with useless update after useless update.


I’m not going to respond to this anymore since I think I’ve gotten my point across, but I did want to respond to this part:

This does not matter. The data still works regardless of how popular the plugin is. What happens is that the amount of times the plugin is sold will decrease, but because the price is higher and more fair, there is more money made overall. This is the same if a plugin gets 10 sales a day or 10 sales a year. It has nothing to do with the position on the plugin page. I am not talking about the amount of money made overall, I am talking about the money made from before vs. after the pricing change. You are comparing two entirely different things.

It does matter because I argued that this will hit the small developers the most and you tried to counter it by using a video of a big plugin developer complaining about not getting enough money. What does not matter are your arguments against mine because of how they miss the point and how you fail to research the most basic subjects.

LOL? No it doesn’t! A plugin that is on the 1st page of the store will have ten times the amount of exposure and customers than the plugin on the 10th page assuming the price (or lack of) remains the same. This alone proves that you have no idea what you’re talking about. I’m gonna remind you again that we’re talking about plugins and the update which rendered plugins unable to be purchased via robux and only via USD$. I will also remind you that when you enter the plugin store you don’t have a fancy menu that shows you immediately the plugins that you want but the plugins that are the most popular. Do you understand how exposure drives profit? If you made even a single game on roblox or sold a single product on roblox then you should understand that the more exposure your product or game has, the more sales/visits it will also have. You can’t have more sales/visits than the amount of exposure you’ve received. It’s always lower than that and in many cases it goes to percents as small as single digit ones.

You don’t know how economy works. You don’t know how a store works. You don’t know.

Again. Supply and demand. That is only true if the amount of sales decrease proportionally to the increase in profits. If that doesn’t occur, then the profits will go down. What’s worse is that the less customers you have the less popular your plugin will be the lower it will go in the plugin marketplace. So even if you experience an increase in profits because of this update it will likely be only temporary as your customer base will not grow as fast as the base for plugins that are much cheaper than yours or don’t cost anything at all - definitely the latter part. The reason for why Moon Animator is on the top is because it started free and it was the best animating kit on the market. Thanks to the fact that it’s on the top and that there are no alternatives of equal capability it remains on the top to this very day.

Look. If you still don’t understand, then refer to this graph:

As you can see, the price should reflect the ratio between supply and demand. When the supply meets the demand in the middle with an optimal price then you will profit from it the most. If your price goes too low or too high then you will deviate from the graph and start losing. You will either lose but allow your customers to win with a lower than optimal price or you will lose and drag your customers down with you by overpricing your product. Either way, you will lose, not win. This is exactly why I was warning everyone. This update would ruin the supply and demand as we know it by ruining the ability to properly price your products - making everyone lose. Before the update you could price your plugins at the center as Robux was a currency freely available for all target demographics. For those that could convert their currency into robux, and for those who could use their skills to earn robux. Now you only have the demographic which could convert their currency into robux - which is a minority in the developing scene. Also, both of those demographics overlap, some were members of both demographics - being able to both convert their currency into robux and use their skills to earn robux. Those that overlap will also be definitely hurt by this, even though they could or did convert their currency into robux.

^ That makes no sense by the way. The main problem with your arguments is that you contradict yourself because you don’t understand how the economy works and how this update will actually affect the marketplace and the developers. I already said. It’s going to be a bad update in which everyone will lose. I gave my reasons above and I don’t want to keep repeating them because it sounds like spam at this point.


Bad update make it back to robux or no one will buy plugins ever again and the Roblox platform will be go down and down until no one plays Roblox why do Roblox make bad updates can there do good update like bring tixs back or make Future is bright phase 4. For Dev there can do games realistic and better like add a scripting tutorial that who is new can learn how to script and add just reflecting block you can just see like a mirror and is works in low quality like can roblox make good updates >:(


Seems like a gift and a curse, on one hand, plugin developers can make more money, on the other hand, this greatly restricts many users from buying plugins due to the inconvenience of having to buy it in USD.
Fix: Allow us to sell plugins for Robux and USD


Roblox is trying to destroy itself. I think Roblox is just the fact that the whole thing is at least 4 USD is Bad. I also thought the previous minimum price of 100 Rbx was too much. Some plugins are simply not valuable enough for almost 5 USD. For many people the possibility to use and create plugins is closed. I see absolutely nothing positive in this. I am sure that no matter what solution is found for under 18s, it will certainly not be as good as it was before. In my opinion Roblox should take all this back immediately! In my opinion, it is a killing off of motivated developers who want to help make changes for little money. I also have the feeling that this is mainly a killing off of small developers because they cannot assert themselves due to the impossible pricing. Well, we all know that Roblox is putting more and more obstacles in the way of small developers, probably they want to somehow reduce their revenue and user numbers or something. I have to honestly say this is the worst change Roblox has ever made and I think it will be hard to top it.


This update just sucks. me, and many other people under the age of 18, can no longer buy plugins.